The Agile Transformation and Its Metrics

The Agile Transformation and Its Metrics

Is it pos-si-ble to mea-sure agili-ty? And if so, how and with what? Orga-ni-za-tions that have been oper-at-ing very suc-cess-ful-ly in a plan-dri-ven man-ner for many years and are there-fore used to think-ing in terms of met-rics will raise these ques-tions soon-er rather than lat-er in their jour-ney towards more agili-ty. Unwa-ver-ing is the belief in the dog-ma that you can only man-age what you can mea-sure. But is this dog-ma actu-al-ly true? And is it some-how use-ful and applic-a-ble to agile trans-for-ma-tion?

It is wrong to sup-pose that if you can’t mea-sure it, you can’t man-age it — a cost-ly myth.
W. Edwards Dem-ing, The New Eco-nom-ics, p. 35

As orig-i-na-tors of this dog-ma either W. Edwards Dem-ing or Peter F. Druck-er are named. But nei-ther Dem-ing nor Druck-er ever said so. On the con-trary, both were well aware of the lim-its of mea-sur-a-bil-i-ty, espe-cial-ly when it comes to peo-ple and lead-er-ship.

Of course it would be desir-able to be able to con-trol an orga-ni-za-tion or a change project with GPS accu-ra-cy: Deter-mine posi-tion, act, deter-mine changed posi-tion and thus decide direc-tion and progress. Where that is pos-si-ble, one should of course do exact-ly that. In the vast major-i-ty of cas-es, how-ev-er, this will not be pos-si-ble or at least not eas-i-ly and direct-ly. Nev-er-the-less some-how deci-sions and actions have to be tak-en.

Not every-thing that counts can be count-ed, and not every-thing that can be count-ed counts.
Albert Ein-stein

For a long time, I was firm-ly con-vinced that mea-sur-ing agili-ty and man-ag-ing agile trans-for-ma-tion with met-rics leads direct-ly into car-go cult hell. What real-ly counts, the effec-tive-ness, val-ue ori-en-ta-tion, adapt-abil-i-ty, resilience, cus-tomer sat-is-fac-tion or employ-ee sat-is-fac-tion, is quite dif-fi-cult to mea-sure.

On the oth-er hand, there are of course things that can be eas-i-ly observed and mea-sured, the col-or-ful sticky notes, the back-logs, the sto-ry points and the veloc-i-ty of the teams, filled agile roles and com-plet-ed train-ings and much more. But all of this is not the essence of agili-ty, but rather phe-nom-e-na that can be observed in agile orga-ni-za-tions. These forms arise from the essence, but the essence can-not be forced by imi-tat-ing the form.

If we start mea-sur-ing and reward-ing these phe-nom-e-na in cor-po-rate cul-tures with-out suf-fi-cient psy-cho-log-i-cal safe-ty, but with all kinds of indi-vid-ual per-for-mance incen-tives linked to met-rics, the result will nec-es-sar-i-ly remain a shal-low car-go cult. These were my argu-ments so far.

In ret-ro-spect, how-ev-er, I now con-sid-er it one of my biggest mis-takes to have always more or less cat-e-gor-i-cal-ly reject-ed the mea-sure-ment of agili-ty and met-rics for the agile trans-for-ma-tion. Although I still see the dan-ger of an explo-sion of car-go cult, I would con-scious-ly take the risk today or lim-it it by very care-ful selec-tion of the met-rics.

Soon-er or lat-er, in every trans-for-ma-tion, there comes a time when the ques-tion is raised very force-ful-ly as to what all this is for and brings about. And the only lan-guage in which an answer to this ques-tion will be under-stood and accept-ed is the lan-guage of met-rics. Espe-cial-ly when the eco-nom-ic sit-u-a-tion of the com-pa-ny has wors-ened since the begin-ning of the trans-for-ma-tion, the basic mood towards the trans-for-ma-tion is per-haps threat-en-ing to tilt, or even when key pro-tag-o-nists have left the com-pa-ny mean-while.

You have to beat the sys-tem you actu-al-ly want to over-come with its own weapons, oth-er-wise the sys-tem will even-tu-al-ly strike back relent-less-ly.

Originally published at on October 19, 2020.

Filip Geuens

Fairtrade Partnerships Manager, Cotton & Textile. Founder

4 年

Velocity and direction

Hubert Rhomberg

Conscious leadership in the construction industry working with AI for sustainability | CEO of Rhomberg Group & Founder of CREE

4 年

Great read. Love this: Not every-thing that counts can be count-ed, and not every-thing that can be count-ed counts. Albert Ein-stein

Filip Geuens

Fairtrade Partnerships Manager, Cotton & Textile. Founder

4 年

How feels measuring?

Ellen Duwe

OKR & Agile Transformation Expert I Author I Podcaster

4 年

Very good article, thank you Dr. Marcus Raitner. Team spirit is unmeasurable, some claim. By metric standards, that is partly true. By emotional standards, however, that is not true at all. We all carry the ability to gauge team spirit at any point in time. Most of us aren't trained to talk about it, though. To give you two examples: Let's take "conversational turn-over", i.e. the average amount of time team members get to speak during any meeting. It's really hard and unpractical to keep track of and yet everyone in the room is able to gauge whether conversational turn-over is distributed equally during the meeting, or not. Same thing for "average social sensitivity": by what extend do team members sense and acknowledge the emotional reactions of their counterparts. The higher "conversational turn-over" and "average social sensitivity" the better the team spirit. I wrote an article about that and team spirit in self-organized teams (in German), if you wanna learn more:

Halina Maier

Get your sales in action I Agile Sales I Bestselling Author Agiles Verkaufen

4 年


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