Agile recruitment - an unfair advantage for your organization!
Welcome to Agile Talent Leaders and thanks for subscribing. This is a bi-weekly newsletter focused on leveraging agile methodologies to gain an unfair advantage in talent!
What is agile?
Ok, a brief note on the agile model for those less familiar with the concept.
The agile model originated in the 1930s at Bell Labs with the advent of the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) framework. Later Edward Demming's "lean" methodologies led Toyota to dominate the automobile market for decades. In the early 2000s, information technology teams began to adopt a similar approach in response to the rapid acceleration of technology development. All too often software development teams were producing applications that were outdated by the time they went to market! They needed a new approach, and agile was born.
By the mid-2010s the agile methodology had expanded beyond the IT department as organizations learned that it could deliver rapid process, product, and service improvements at scale. There are several "versions" of the agile model in play, but some basic principles are still evident in them all including:
Why do I keep hearing about agile?
Because it works! And it works especially well in dynamic situations. By dynamic, I mean when predicting what is going to happen next is difficult... Which, let's face it, is all the time!
What does agile have to do with recruiting?
Everything! Almost all organizations have some value statement espousing their firm's belief in "talent" as a fundamental organizational value driver, yet so few take this seriously. Gartner found dramatic benefits for recruiting teams that adopted an agile approach. They found on average a 32% reduction in cost-per-hire, a 22% reduction in time-to-hire, and a 31% increase in recruiter productivity.
In my role, I have the privilege of meeting with 2-3 leaders of corporate recruiting teams every day. They all have some form of the same problem, a serious lack of qualified applicants for mission-critical roles! For example:
The negative financial impact and brand damage being absorbed by these organizations are almost incalculable. The good news, there is a better way forward!
How do I get started?
To start, I'd suggest auditing your current state of affairs. Below is a checklist of questions to ask yourself. Be honest!!!
Staying close to our customer
Rigorous data-driven approach
Alignment of projects to strategy
Incremental/continuous improvement
If you answered yes to many of the questions above, you're ahead of the game and already have an unfair advantage. If not, it is imperative that you start your journey now! Don't feel too far behind? Read this article on how Amazon is offering jobs to warehouse staff with no human interaction, in some cases in under 15 minutes from application...