Agile methodology (A real LIFE cycle)
Ruvva Poojitha
Intern at Kroll Ex-GDSC Data Science lead Student at ADITYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, K.Kothuru, Tekkali - 532201, Srikakulam District, A.P(CC-A5)
Agile methodology is not just a methodology used for project management or software testing or software development etc.,
Agile Methodology
If we observe closely, we can find that in day-to-day life, minute-to-minute actions that we perform, we are using this Agile methodology to make the works done.
Agile methodology emphasizes iterative approach of developing something. It breaks down a large work into small tasks, where the result will be given for each iteration, where for each iteration it will improve and add new features.
We use Agile methodology when we don’t have a clear idea of future plans and requirements but expect them to become clearer as the project progresses.
Let's get into the example of Agile methodology in real life.
Agile in real life
Fire ?? : Our ancestors(Early humans) at 1st when they discovered fire, they used it for protection from predators(wild animals), its the 1st iteration of using of the fire.
In the Iteration 2, they found that fire gives them the warmth when it's too cool and light when its dark. Making an improvement of its use.
In the Iteration 3, they realized that fire can be used to cook food to give more flavor to their food that they were eating raw until then!
In the Iteration 4, when they were aware of the use of tools with metals, in the Bronze age, they came to know that fire can also be used for manufacturing metal tools.
In the beginning when they have the resource (Fire), they didn't have any idea of how they would be using the resource in future. But they added many features, made use of it in many ways and added many improvements that added value to the process even!
See! How this evolution of usage of fire in every iteration resulted in what we are today and how we are using!
Not just fire, but human evolution itself followed Agile methodology!!
Ape to Modern Human, the evolution just didn't jump from Ape to Human directly, but it took my iterations /phases in the development to the present modern human, making many features improved for each iteration!!
Hence, our life itself followed Agile methodology!???? to reach out this stage of Modern humans!