Agile Methodologies & Terminologies
Nasr Ullah
Building Secure, Scalable, and Smart Tech | Project Manager | QA Automation | Security Consultant
What is Agile Software Development Methodology?
Agile is capability to create and respond and deliver the change; ultimately get success in delivery of quick changes in turbulent environment.
Agile software development pushes and emphasised on collaboration , response to change and reducing the decrease of waste in whole development lifecycle of the software. It is also helping us to keep simple the code management, testing them recursively and deliver the developed functions as quick as possible.
There are lot of Agile Development Methodologies; you can see below.
- Scrum
- Extreme Programming (XP)
- Kanban
- Crystal
In this article i will try to cover the stuff here...
Scrum is an Agile Development Methodology and also called it as Framework as well which is used to develop the complex software products in an iterative and incremental fashion. It is also recognised as Agile Framework.
Scrum--> Sprints
Scrum is collection of series of iterations which are called sprints and each sprint completed with a delivery of an incremented working stuff in software.
A sprint is a period of time in which we have to complete specific work which is available to review, test , UAT and deploy in production (In some cases we can avoid production as well).
Ideal duration for a Sprint is 2 weeks but we can increase more than 4 week.
Scrum --> Sprint Planning
Sprint Planning occurred just before starting the new sprint and team identify and made decision which tasks that needs to be done in upcoming sprint. We have to be careful user stories must be prepared explored and estimated before that so we can avoid any time waste during planning. Scrum master and scrum team must be the participants of the sprint planning.
Scrum --> Sprints Backlog
Sprint Backlog is set of user stories, features, tasks that we take from Product/Project Backlog that we want to complete in coming Sprint. We manage all this stuff and create that set during sprint planning.
Scrum--> Scrum Team
It is the group of cross-functional , self organised and responsible members which are delivering the software. The team contains the multi skilled who gather customer requirements , conduct software design, perform the coding and manage the testing as well. Also there would be UX experts would be the part of team as well.
Scrum --> Scrum Master
Scrum Master is the very important member of the team; he/she responsible for maintaining all Scrum Processes and overall team health. Scrum Master must be make sure the whole team is productive and functional and also remove all barriers that affecting the team progress. Scrum ceremonies also organised by Scrum Master.
Scrum --> User Story
A user story or mostly called story is set of requirements which has specific business value like a feature of a product.
Stories contains the set of information related to specific feature and best fit for communication and negotiation among the scrum team, business owners and product owners as well.
Major components in a user story are but not limited to:
1- Detail description with business terms
2- Story must be in bullets points
3- Acceptance criteria for a story and how you can validate the story
Scrum --> Spike
A spike is a user story which is not finalised yet and need to discuss among team and gather more information about it. Spikes created sometimes development team needs to do some research on it and answer the technical questions about the story so Spikes creates to get all those answers and made the decision either this story will be added in product or not.
Scrum --> User Story Grooming
User story grooming session is very much important because here we need to finalised and write the acceptance criteria for user stories. And we can write acceptance criteria only when we have complete details of user stories.
This session is important for all team members especially design, development and testing team because they will understand the context of user story before starting any work on it.
Here Scrum Master, Product Owner and Scrum Team are the participants for this session.
Scrum --> Task
Task is piece of actual work or pair of work which required to complete the story; these are trackable unit of work that is manageable and doable. Mostly there are number of tasks in a user story.
Scrum --> T-Shirt Sizing
T-Shirt sizing is the methodology to breakdown the work to complete a user story like we have size for T-Shirts Small-S, Medium-M, Large-L, X-Large- XL
Technical Debt
This term mostly used to describe the obligation mostly occurred in software development organisation
which select some approaches which are most complex and costly for long term.
It is important term which express the work which is not completed yet or we can say like not fulfilling the acceptance criteria and that cost is incurred in organisation. We can also say like work is completed but not deployed yet in production.
The term Velocity is used to measure the performance of team and exclusively completion of iteration. We can measure velocity user story wise, task wise in specific duration or timeframe.
Velocity used to calculate the delivery time for coming user stories on the basis of completed stories.
Acceptance Testing
The term Acceptance testing is used to determine system satisfies or not satisfies acceptance criteria and enabled the customer to determine whether customer accept or reject the system.
Backlog Grooming
This term Backlog grooming is used for a process of adding new stories to backlog and prioritise the existing stories as required and create the estimates and breakdown the larger stories into short stories or tasks. Backlog grooming session would be held once per iteration.
Breaking the Build
Breaking the build term is used when the developers from your scrum team made any changes in production source code repository that cause the failure in result of subsequent build processes and called the "Broken the Build".
This will impact on development process and slow down the development; when the build is broken the development team take immediate actions to fix build.
Also you can understand the build is broken if the build process can not successfully completed by number of reasons including failure to compile and seen unexpected warnings and failure of automated tests.
Build Pipelines
Build pipeline is the process which story goes from starting to production, mostly going through different stages and make sure the quality. Build pipeline defines the workflow for software delivery and what happens on each stage.
Continuous Integration(CI)
Here every integration verified by automated build, which also perform testing and also verify integration error quickly and automatically. The main feature of CI is to avoid the problems during merging of the codes etc.
Continuous Integration is an eXtreme Programming practice where members of a delivery team frequently integrate their work daily , hourly etc.
Daily Standup
Daily standup is the team meeting every morning to provide the status and update the team members. Mostly the standup duration 10-15 minutes and a quick reminder to all about their tasks and updates.
Epics are the larger user stories that eventually broken down into smaller stories. We can say like these are big placeholders for new ideas and related stories developed in coming sprints. Epics help to manage, groom and improve the product backlog.
Extreme Programming
Extreme Programming is an Agile Methodology which improve the quality of responsiveness and changing the customer requirements. XP support frequent releases in short span of development cycle which improve the productivity and introduce verification points and new customer requirements can be get it.
Pair Programming, Unit Testing, Code Review and Continuous Integration are few important elements in XP.
It is the tool derived from lean manufacturing and is associated with the branch of agile practices and mostly referred as Lean Software Development. There is always a constraint how much work must be permitted to execute concurrently.
The major difference between Scrum and Kanban is that Scrum limits work in progress through sprints and Kanban limits work in progress by limiting how much work may occur at one time (e.g. Number of tasks or Number of stories).
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The smallest working product that can be built and tested and delivered in a given time frame to client that provides value to user.
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