Agile Manufacturing - practical? applicable? possible??
Abhishek Agrawal
Agile Software Coach by profession, Entrepreneur by Choice (LED and plastic components) and natural healing researcher by hobby :-)
Having worked as an agile coach/trainer with more than 32 organizations like Mercedes Benz, HP, IBM, CISCO, Flipkart, Hike Messenger, Linked in, Jio, Fidelity et al, I came across some very interesting, useful and intriguing insights about how the "agile mindset" actually worked, how it failed and how it can be put to some good use. Being a regular blogger at that time, I was tempted to share these insights with the community - however, bound by ethics as well as the "Non Disclosure Agreements", it was best to avoid the same.
So why this blog? There are multiple inspirations for coming up with this blog post:
So here I am... excited, unbounded and more than ready to share what I learned during my stint with this amazing manufacturing firm.
Before we dive-in, here's a quick "About Us" of the manufacturing firm:
Alright, having the "pleasantries" exchanged, let's dive straight-in. When I actually started to pen-down my thoughts and learnings, I was astonished at the number of points that were there on the paper. I was blown by the number of Agile principles that were knowingly or unknowingly applied in my attempt to improve the results at this manufacturing unit. It all suddenly started making much more sense.
As Steve Jobs said - "you can only connect the dots looking backwards and never forward"
In-fact by the time I sort-of completed the list, I knew that it was long enough to NOT qualify as a single blog/article - I had to break it down into more palatable sizes. And hence, this blog series is divided into these parts:
Part 1: The Background (This is the part you are reading at this moment)
Part 2: SMALL, INDEPENDENT, MEASUREABLE, TESTABLE tasks/stories actually help get (much) more stuff done...
Part 3: INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTERS put to good use can be a GAME CHANGER!
Part 4: People over processes, Inspect-and-adapt, iterate-and-increment and software best practices like test first, automation, reuse etc put to good use in manufacturing too!
If you've reached thus far and are ready to dive deeper, head over to PART 2 here...