Agile Leadership : Timeless wisdom from Lincoln
Dr. Hrishikesh Karekar
Delivery Executive @ Capgemini | Agile Leadership, Talent Management
A few years ago, the Force inspired me and I wrote Jedi wisdom for becoming an agile leader. The Force drove me to read the book “Lincoln on Leadership” last week and what a treat it has been. The United States was fortunate to have such #leadership during one of its most tumultuous periods.. It astounded me that Lincoln’s operating style was so close to what would be expected of an #agileleader. Indeed I am slowly and surely more inclined to say; what we tend to describe as “agile leadership” is essentially “good leadership”. Those traits have always been exhibited by some of the greatest leaders.. However more on that is a blog for another time. For now, let us take a dive to learn from the timeless leadership style of Mr Lincoln.
There are six main tenets of his leadership style that are very relevant for agile leaders; or rather all good leaders. For a detailed understanding of how Mr Lincoln leveraged them, I would strongly recommend to read the book. It has been my observation that truly agile leaders demonstrate these in varying measures