By Steve Sayer
This series shall examine the step-by-step process that is required for manufacturing wholesome and properly labeled raw meat at a factious FSIS/USDA beef harvesting, raw not ground beef, raw ground beef establishment in 2022.
The three (3) processes of this vertically integrated USDA establishment shall be:
ABC Meat Company's high standards of product safety and quality is our guarantee to all of our valued customers of our commitment to producing fresh and wholesome raw beef products through our pro-active science-based interventions and our consistently high quality systems.
Effective sanitary dressing and process control procedures help to support Critical Control Points (CCP) that prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level food safety hazards that are reasonably likely to occur in our Harvest process that can directly effect our Raw Not Ground Beef and Raw Ground Beef Operations.
All of our written and verifiable food safety interventions, employee training and extensive time-tested programs exceed the requirements set by the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) United States Department of Agricultural (USDA).
SSOP – Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures – Every USDA inspected facility must establish standards for sanitation and define those procedures. SSOP’s deal with the general sanitation of all direct product contact areas such as cutting boards, conveyor lines, hand-held tools, etc. Program procedures also address personal hygienic practices and direct product handling during the course of production.?
HACCP – Hazard Analysis (and) Critical Control Points deals with the three (3) hazards that may contaminate meat; biological, chemical and physical hazards. Our customized HACCP Programs are verifiable science-based systems that define and determine “Critical Control Points” (CCP’s) throughout the continuum of harvesting, processing, grinding, storage and shipping .
GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices were originally developed by the Food and Drug Administration, (FDA). GMP’s deal with what HACCP and SSOP’s do not directly address; objectionable material elimination program, net weight control, pest abatement programs, etc. GMP’s play an important supporting role of our HACCP, SSOP, SOP, & Pre-Requisite programs.
PRE-REQUISITE PROGRAM – Entails SRM’s & Drug Residue.
Microbiological Testing – “Science-based systems” deal directly with time-tested interventions and standards set by academia in which governmental agencies set their directives and policies upon. Pathogen interventions such as lactic acid spraying, carcass steam vacuums, hot water pasteurization, product temperature control and microbiological testing of meat products, including product contact and non-contact surfaces are but a few science based interventions that have been incorporated into our programs. ABC has on site an AOAC/USDA recognized microbiological laboratory that allows us to monitor the efficacy of our sanitation practices as well as verification/validation of our science based interventions.?
HACCP, SSOP & GMP Training – ABC has in place time tested and well designed bilingual employee training programs that involves individual job descriptions, good personal hygiene practices, total food safety and CAL/OSHA safety that centers on the concepts of HACCP, SSOP’s, and GMP’s; Plant management views our employees as being one of our biggest assets. Refresher courses for all employees are carried through and documented on a continuing basis.
ABC has three (3) HACCP Systems incorporated at our establishment;
HACCP for Harvesting of Cattle
HACCP for Raw Not Ground Beef?
HACCP for Raw Ground Beef?
The information listed directly below supports the decisions process that is used in the determination of our HACCP Systems:
There is not a regulatory requirement for the control of temperature involving red meat or poultry products. Therefore we are using a study by the USDA that was released prior to HACCP becoming mandatory for the very small plants, (USDA. ARS. FSIS. Proposed rules of 1995 under the Federal Register 60:6881-9881).
A page from the training manual for the development of a HACCP Plan published by the USDA for the very small plant Table 1, USDA.ARS.FSIS. Proposed rules of 1995 under the Federal Register 60:6881-9881)
We have a study by R. B. Tompkin and P. W. Bodnaruk on the control of E. coil 0157:H7 & Salmonella in ground beef/poultry as well as slaughter operations. This report has been accepted by the agency as a valid and comprehensive study on the control of this pathogen.
This report states, “It is accepted that when present E coli 0157:H7 and the six (6) NON - O157:H7 STECS is on the surface of carcasses, not internal tissues,” “After chilling is unlikely that E coli 0157:H7 will multiply during subsequent fabrication because the lower limit for multiplication of E. coli 0157:H7 is 44.6o F – 46.4o F (7o C - 8o C). Furthermore, laboratory data based in optimum conditions indicate that: At 50o F the time to increase 10-fold is estimated to being fifty (50) hours. At 60o F the time to increase 10-fold is estimated to be twenty-one (21) hours.
We have a study by A. Castillo, L. M. Lucia, K. J. Goodsin, J. W. Savell, and G. R. Acuff on the use of lactic acid treatments for reducing bacteria of fecal origin on beef carcasses. This report from the Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 61, No. 7, 1998 evinces this treatment to reduce bacterial contamination on beef carcasses.
Our CCP’s in the slaughter process is ZERO TOLERANCE and the Lactic Acid Spray. The edible blood and bile has a CCP at the refrigeration stage to be checked the following morning with a surface temperature of 44.6o F or lower.
(CCP 1B) - The Lactic Acid is checked for PSI, lactic acid %, temperature and time duration. The lactic acid is applied to the carcasses and variety meats.?The PSI, lactic acid %, temperature and time durations shall be documented / accomplished at the start and at the end of each harvesting day and every two (2) hours plus or minus 20 minutes.
(CCP 2B) - ZERO TOLERANCE for fecal, ingesta and milk matter is performed carcass sides including Head and Cheek meat. The ZERO TOLERANCE for carcasses is checked every hour, plus or minus 20 minutes, by randomly selecting three (3) carcass sides. The Head and Cheek meat applies ZERO TOLERANCE after twelve (12) hours three (3) separate thirty (30) pound samples during the course of harvesting in order that random sampling is achieved.
(CCP 3B) - The edible blood and bile is checked the following production day for temperature control of 44.6o F., or below.
(CCP 1B) – The Raw Not Ground Meat Products have a critical control point involving the surface temperature of 44.6oF or below at the packaging operation. Temperatures shall be documented every two (2) hours plus or minus twenty (20) minutes.
(CCP 1B) - The Raw Ground Beef Products have a critical control point involving surface temperature of 44.6o F or below at the packaging operation. Temperatures shall be documented every two (2) hours plus or minus twenty (20) minutes.
The Beef Slaughter Plan has three (3) CCP’s: the Lactic Acid Spray, ZERO TOLERANCE and the Chilling Process for edible blood and bile. We have historical data to support the effectiveness of all three (3) CCP’s. The current frequencies for these CCP’s are in the Hazard Analysis for Beef Slaughter.
Following discussions with the Technical Center, District Office and the National Meat Association, it was determined that there is no scientific data to determine frequency of the testing regarding surface temperatures. When we started with HACCP in 1999 we were documenting CCP’s for surface temperature every two (2) hours plus or minus twenty (20) minutes during operations. During this time period of approximately one (1) year we did not have any deviations or abuse of temperature of the meat products that we were producing, therefore it had been proven as acceptable We changed our frequency for the Raw Not Ground Meat Products from every two (2) hours, plus or minus 20 minutes to twice per shift. The Raw Ground Beef operations also has their surface temperature checked at least twice per shift.
ABCs Harvest operations have several critical limits that are monitored and recorded which evinces their effectiveness.
Studies by Tanya Roberts, USDA/Economic Research Center, Scott A. Malcolm, John Hopkins University and Clare A. Narrod, USDA/FSIS/OPHS/ERAD performed probabilistic Risk Assessment using hot water pasteurization. Significant log reductions after occultation ranged in the area of 3.0 logs at 165°F with time duration of 10 seconds.?
Hand/held steam vacuums – Castillo et al. 1999a; Dorsa et al. 1996; Kochevar et al; Sofos et al. 1999.
ABC manufactures and distributes raw boneless beef and dissimilar raw beef cuts products to food distributors, further processors and fast food chains. No added ingredients (Allergens) are used. Presently ABC is self-supplier with no outside meats delivered.
This manuals objective is to evince each harvesting step in the format of Plan, Do, Check & Act, (PDCA) which is the basis of ISO 9000 Standards. ABC fully realizes that the planned intervention steps that we have put into place are the foundation of food safety and quality at our establishment.?Our goal is to reduce and eliminate virulent pathogens in our wholesome meat products.
This Harvest/Raw Not Ground Beef Food Safety Manual is an eclectic compendium of programs that ABC has in place that directly affects the production of fresh and wholesome raw meat products. Training and additional training of employees shall be the method with producing consistently wholesome raw meat products.
PAGES 1 through 5 … General Introduction – Table of Contents?
PAGE 6 … Management Structure American Beef Packers?
PAGE 7 … Support Documentation – HACCP - Harvesting
PAGE 8… Domestic Origin
PAGE 9 … Specific Risk Material Letter – 2008
PAGE 10 … E. coli O157:H7 Intervention/Elimination Letter
??????????Requirements for Delivery Drivers of Livestock
?PAGES 11 through 18 … Pre-requisite Program Procedures for SRM’s?
?????????????????????– Harvesting Operations ?????????
PAGES 19 … Quality Control/Assurance – Harvest
PAGES 20 through 23… Receiving Cattle
PAGE 24 … Corrals
PAGES 25 through 27 … Humane Handling
PAGES 28 & 29 … Non-Ambulatory Disabled Cattle
PAGE 30 … Washing of Livestock
PAGES 31 through 34 … Stunning Operation
PAGES 35 through 37 … Sticking/Bleeding Operations?
?PAGS 38 & 39 … Tying & Rodding of the Esophagus
PAGES 40 through 43 … Head/Fore-Feet Removal Operation
PAGES 44 & 45 … Head Wash Operation
PAGES 46 through 49 … Hind-Shank Removal Operation
PAGES 50 through 53 … Udder Removal Operation
PAGES 54 through 57… Skinning Operation?
PAGES 58 through 62 … Bung Dropping & Brisket Operation
PAGES 63 through 68 … Pre-Evisceration, Trimming, Steam Vacuum
?????????????????????& Lactic Acid Spray
PAGES 69 through 71 … Cleaning/Bleaching Tripe Operation
PAGES 72 through 75 … Small Intestines Operation
PAGES 76 through 78 … Variety Meat (Offal) Operation
PAGES 79 through 87 … De-boning of Heads & Beef Tongue Operation
?PAGES 88 & 92 … Head, Weasand, (when applicable), & Cheek Meat
? ????????????????Inspection (CCP 2B) ZERO TOLERANCE
PAGES 93 through 95 … Splitting Operation
PAGES 96 through 98 … Spinal Cord Removal
PAGE 99 … Rail Outs (USDA Final Disposition)
PAGES 100 through 102 … Post Trimming and Steam Vacuuming Operation?
???????????????????????– Lower and Upper Areas
PAGE 103 … Final Rail Inspection – Rail Outs (Inspexx 200 Spray)
?PAGE 104 … SSOP Procedures for Tail Removal (When Applicable)
?PAGES 105 through 108 … Hot Water Pasteurization Cabinet Operation
PAGES 109 & 110 … Scribe Saw Operation
PAGE 111 … Final Carcass (cold) Wash Cabinet Operation
PAGES 112 through 114 … Lactic Acid Spray Cabinet Operation
???????????????????????(CCP 1B)
PAGE 115 … In-House – Final Rail Inspection
PAGES 116 through 120 … Final Carcass Inspection – (CCP 2B)
?? ???????????????????????ZERO TOLERANCE
PAGE 121 … Packaging Operation
PAGES 122 & 123 … Cold Storage
PAGE 124 … Shipping/Transferring
PAGES 125 ... Return Product Procedures ?????? ?????????????????
PAGES 126 through 131 … Shipping Protocols of E. coli O157:H7 Product
PAGE 132 through 149 … Microbiological Testing Protocols & Lotting,?
?PAGE 150 through 166 … SPS Protocols
PAGE 167 through 171 … RNGB QC Program
PAGES 172 through 206 … RNGB HACCP Decision Making
PAGE 207 … General Food & Employee Training Overview
PAGE 208 …General Sanitation Overview
PAGES 209 through 219 … Preventive Maintenance Program & MSOP’s
PAGE 220 … Food Defense Program Overview
PAGE 221 …Edible Bile
PAGE 222- 224 … Edible Blood
The information listed directly below supports the decisions process that is used in the determination of our HACCP Systems:
There is not a regulatory requirement for the control of temperature involving red meat or poultry products. Therefore we are using a study by the USDA that was released prior to HACCP becoming mandatory for the very small plants, (USDA,ARS.FSIS). (Proposed rules of 1995 under the Federal Register 60:6881-9881).
A page from the training manual for the development of a HACCP Plan published by the USDA for the very small plant Table 1, “Characteristics of Growth for Nine Pathogens Associated with Meat and Poultry Products,” and Table A-1 Limiting Conditions for Pathogen Growth,” published by the Food and Drug Administration.
We have a study by A. Castillo, L. M. Lucia, K. J. Goodsin, J. W. Savell, and G. R. Acuff on the use of lactic acid treatments for reducing bacteria of fecal origin on beef carcasses. This report from the Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 61, No. 7, 1998 evinces this treatment to reduce bacterial contamination on beef carcasses.
Our CCP’s in the beef harvesting process is the Lactic Acid Spray and the Zero Tolerance Inspection.?
Description of Process
All cattle that are harvested by ABC originate from only U.S. produced domestic livestock suppliers. All cattle are considered to be thirty (30) months of age or older.
Plan: How ABC shall meet the production step?
ABC receives and harvests livestock that are only domesticated U.S. livestock. As a responsible and accountable harvester ABC shall;
Do: Actual production step?
ABC has on file documentation which verifies that ABC harvests only domesticated produced livestock. Livestock are from local dairies including surrounding areas in California and other bordering States.?
Check: How do you verify using Quality Assurance check?
All harvested ABC livestock are of domestic origin only. Compliance with this requirement will be verified through all receiving invoices and applicable documentation that pertains to the origin of the live cattle delivered to our Establishment.
Act: What action(s) will be taken based on the Quality Assurance check?
Sustained documentation and verifiable records are filed in chronological order and can be confirmed that only livestock that is of U.S. origin are harvested at ABC.
The following protocols concerning SRM’s from cattle harvested at our Establishment is listed below;
Removal of Spinal Cord – The spinal cord is removed in its entirety on the slaughter floor just prior to post evisceration steam vacuuming. Lifting of the cord tissue out of the vertebral canal is achieved by the use of a Bettcher TrimVaccum System.?If any spinal cord remnant is discovered, the carcass will be retained and re-worked.
Annual Cattle Letters of Guarantee are sent to cattle suppliers regarding FDA Title 21 Part 589.2000 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Effective August 4, 1997) that prohibits the feeding of ruminant meat and bone meal to ruminant animals. These documents are filed in sequential order for references. (To avoid possible mad cow disease).
ABC shall abide in full to FSIS Notice 56-07, dated 8/31/2007. All previous and germane FSIS Notices/Directives with regards to Specified Risk Materials (SRM) will be followed as well.?
This SRM “Final Rule” makes permanent with certain changes, interim regulations that the FSIS issued in January 2004 to prevent potential human exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent. Like the interim regulations, this SRM Final Rule prescribes requirements for the handling and disposition of SRM’s and requires that all non-ambulatory disabled livestock that are offered for slaughter be condemned.?
All related records of the Final Rule shall be kept for no longer than one (1) year.
Cattle slaughtered and further processed at our establishment are in the category of thirty (30) months of age or more.
9 CFR 310.22 (f) are sanitation requirements for equipment used to cut through SRMs of livestock thirty (30) months of age of older:?
A Certificate of Analysis (COA) shall be documented for every order and filed for any needed future references.?
This Pre-requisite Program has been designed for the proper removal, segregation and disposition of SRM’s. The recordkeeping forms on the following page are used to monitor SRM’s in the Harvesting and De-boning processes. Each SRM is identified with direct observations and verifications being noted verifying that each SRM is being monitored, (removed, segregated and disposed) and addressed as per FSIS Notice 56-07, dated 8/31/07.
Any deviations to this Pre-requisite Program shall be noted on the Operational Deficiency/ Corrective Action form with a documented reassessment being conducted. An annual reassessment of this SSOP shall be conducted at least once a year or earlier.
All germane documentation of these procedures shall be available to the USDA upon request.
As you can tell, I myself prefer color coding each individual HACCP / SSOP stages of operations while listing / showing all germane USDA /FSIS Directives and science-based studies, and HACCP / SSOP monitoring forms that support your HACCP system to one's unique operations - all in one single program electronically or by paper (the old fashion way).
I like peppering the Best Business Practice Program with all the applicable USDA Directives and Notices - as you shall see next week Wednesday.
Because you want to evince to the auditor that this Best Business Practice Program is a "piece of cake" and that you have your establishment regulatory act "toooo-gether" by having everything written or scanned --- with pictures. Lot's of pictures as you'll see beginning next week.
I hated, early on, when I was being audited, to rush to this book or that manual during an audit. This has just about everything you'll need as you shall see as we march on.
BTW: Your objective is to get the GFSI auditor - or - USDA / FSIS out / gone - ASAP.
By having a crystal clear, razor sharp science-based program that is easy for a 12-year old to read and reference to - is keen.
It works.
One always wants to proffer the impression to the auditors, that you, as the HACCP Coordinator have your regulatory act together. Slam, bam, thank you ........... lad.
And you shall give off that type of impression - while remaining humble.
Don't forget to always date and sign your programs and germane documents including a John Hancock signature on thou HACCP flow chart.
Lastly, never ever volunteer anything during an audit.
Let her or him always, always ask, ask, ask.
VP Quality & Compliance
2 年Cody Pense next reading assignment?