Agile is based on incremental development. Learning should be, too
Thorsten Speil
Management Trainer | Erfahrene Führungskraft & Berater | Strategie, Portfolio, Projekte, Prozesse | Starke IT/AI Affinit?t | Es ist nicht einfach, aber alle Menschen k?nnen in Frieden zusammen leben ????????????♂?
PS I don't use AI for writing content - except where I would explicitly state it. So, for better or worse, these are my own thoughts and sentences. The picture is AI generated with Designer.
Based on this post by Al Shalloway (please read his good post, too!), I adapted a phrase that he wrote there into
"?????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ??????????????????????. - ???????? ???????? ?????? ????????????????: ?????????????????????? ???????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????????????????? ???????? ??????-?????????? ????????????????."
because I agree with him so much there.
I personally get engaged a lot for trainings and workshops, often for certifications in different methods. These expose the participants just once for several days to the new methods. As Al Shalloway also writes, workshops and trainings can be valuable and sensible as a format.
In every single training, I recommend to the participants to build their own groups for learning (after the training)!
To ...
Inside of companies: Communities of Practice. Outside of companies: Meetups, Networks etc.
This broadens your abilities to a "????????????????", "??????????????", "????????-??????" thinking instead of an "either-or", or ???????????????? ...
(Too little regular intake of healthy knowledge-nutrients may lead to "ScorBUT" (scurvy) practices ??)
And, yes, people need to ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ??????????????. They need to understand and be able to apply Deming's fundamental loop: ???????? - ???? - ?????????? - ??????.
Concrete learning-methods like the Toyota Kata ?? may really help improving, without overwhelming people.
I want to add that this does not only apply to "regular employees", but the ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????????? need this knowledge about optimal ways of working, too - how else can they move their company into sensible development and change? You can only really understand what you learned yourself.
A possibility that Al Shalloway did not include in his post is, that with ????????????, ?????????????? etc. ??everyone already today has a pretty good "????????????-??????????" available at all times and basically everywhere.
You can use it to really interact, discuss, dig deeper, get more explanations, analogies etc. Learning has never been as easy and extensive as today.
I hope you found this article interesting.
Best regards - Thorsten Speil
PS We profit from the different things each of us knows. I encourage everybody to embrace this thinking whenever you meet people that are "different" from you. You are different, too, aren't you? There are way too many people in the world today that try to gain power themselves by dividing people into "us" and "them", using anger, hate and separation. The future will be terrible if we bow down to this.