“Agile Adoption: Reducing bugs and improving design”

“Agile Adoption: Reducing bugs and improving design”


In the last few years, a few agile methods have been proposed and adopted by the software industry. However, benefits from agile software processes and the applicability of agile methods in large and complex software development organizations are still of significant concern to practitioners. Two fundamental problems have been recognized, the inability of the organizations to construct, execute and manage agile software development processes and the absence of a model to control agile adoption and improvement. Researchers and practitioners have built up various assessment tools and frameworks for the assessment of agile software development methods however there is no single framework that can be utilized as a guide or directing vision model to build, execute or manage agile software development methods. In this manner, a standard framework or a model is required for the implementation and improvement of an agile methodology in a software development organization

Improving Design

  • Design in a business context focuses on understanding customers’ needs and visualizing future products and services to address those needs. Designers continually test?ideas and thoughts with users to arrive at the most important future state. The good design addresses those needs in a human-centred way, striving to create a future state that adapts to the customer.
  • Agile software development is driven by principles and values intended to focus organizations on delivering better software at a faster step and to continue improving it over its lifespan. Agile values individuals and practice, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. In practice, agile teams have defined roles and processes intended to develop an understanding of the way people use software so as to deliver a superlative product quickly and well.
  • Design and agile development are philosophically aligned and structurally compatible. Both place the user at the centre, focus on getting client reactions to stimuli often and depend on iteration to get progressively nearer to the ideal. While design seeks for highest user value, agile development ensures that that value is represented in the most possible way. Combining the two into an agile design and development process ensures that the two roles upgrade each another and nothing is lost in translation.
  • Design and agile development are philosophically aligned and structurally compatible.
  • This process is successful when roles and responsibilities are unambiguous and the team works toward the shared goal of delivering however much user value as fast as possible. Teams should too tightly be integrated, with representatives from design and development checking in on a daily basis. When somebody raises a concern, the team’s mindset should be one of searching for “and” solutions, not “or” solutions. Empowering individuals to look for creative ways around issues that accomplish shared objectives is key.
  • Conversely, the intent is to when one team has an excessive amount of control. The intent is to distribute power into the hands of people equipped to make the decisions and to tackle challenges in ways that satisfy both sides, for example, designers with too much control may be tempted to ignore feasibility concerns from developers and push them to embody the design exactly as conceived. Or developers with too much control may dispense with good design in order to deliver working software more quickly. In reality, the optimal solution is somewhere in between. Both sides must adapt to the interests of the other.
  • Properly integrating these two capacities into an agile design and development process will help your organization deeply understand customers, create solutions that address their requirements, and iterate those solutions in the market on the way to a full-scale offering that delivers maximum customer client value as fast as possible. This system amplifies the knowledge and skills of your people to transition smoothly from strategic challenges to functional offerings in the market. Ones that will create loyal customers and make your organization more relevant and responsive than competitors. In a future post, we’ll explain in more detail how we’ve defined capabilities, roles, and organizations between them to make agile design and development work to full effect.

How to handle bugs

Being agile’ relies on the ability to make fast yet calculated changes and decisions. Thus, our error management systems need to follow this philosophy. To make our bug finding process more effective, we need more data on errors and where they are actually. Furthermore, we need them quickly. So, how can we adapt our current agile practices to ensure bugs don’t fall through the cracks, and our errors are found and dealt with quickly? I’d like to focus on four different ways software teams can adapt current agile practices to make bug goals resolution easier and faster.

1.???Allocate time in sprints for fixing errors and sprints bug overwhelm

2.???Improve communication among support and dev teams to keep customer relations strong

3.???Get however much contextual data on errors as possible for faster fixes

4.???Prioritize fixes (without forgetting the non-basic bugs)

Finally, You CAN Stay Bug-Free in An Agile Environment

  • Ridding your agile work process of bugs doesn’t need to be hard – and it’s a critical factor in your success.
  • The agile methodologies that have made the development process faster and better have left many dev teams grappling for ways to handle their bugs inside the agile framework.
  • However, it’s your agile toolbox that will give the greatest leverage with regards to staying bug-free.
  • Managed properly, fixing bugs doesn’t need to be a huge errand, taking valuable development time. The process can – and should – fit seamlessly into your current agile practices.


Developing human collaboration is at the heart of agile thinking. Communication and feedback are two of the stated values of Extreme Programming, and agilest look to find ways to maximize these as a part of their projects


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