Agile adoption in my DevOps Team
I read often articles concerning #projectmanagement , in general and in a specific software, so I thought I'd throw down some thoughts and share the methods I use within my devops team in INFORMATICA SYSTEM S.R.L. and pointing out what the advantages can be in their adoption.
The PM (#projectmanager), in my case also the TL (#teamleader) role, should usually define objectives, plans, responsibilities and expectations from the beginning of the project itself, prioritize the work that will have the greatest impact and finally help the team to be flexible when priorities change.
The PM must plan, delegate, monitor and ultimately control.
This declared is very sexy, in majority of cases difficult to achieve.
The paradigm I have just described, is that of the Agile methodology deriving from Toyota's lean manufacturing concept dating back to the 1940s. It was implemented to reduce waste and increase transparency, so as to respond quickly to customer needs.
Traditional Agile project management can be classified into two frameworks:
- Scrum
- Kanban
Simplifying, the #scrum framework focuses on fixed-duration project iterations, while #kanban focuses on continuous releases.
Personally I adopt them both according to the types of projects I am going to carry out.
By culture, I don't like to remain focused on my skills at the expense of project requirements, while I always prefer to choose the most functional framework for the purpose, still evaluating their degree of adoption within the team.
This approach is perfect in the case of research projects, less so in the case of classic industrial projects, where deadlines and budget often take priority over the functionality.
Kanban is my favorite #agile project management framework, because it combines work with team skills. It focuses on getting work done as quickly as possible, and gives the team the ability to react to changes even faster than the Scrum framework.
All activities are listed in the To Do column. In this way, the team can focus on continuous releases, which can be done at any time.
The activities were structured according to the hierarchy:
- epic
- task
- subtask
Every single task is assigned to a devops team member with one or more watchers, so a reporter can receive notification each time the ticket is updated.
Using the kanban board view, the teamleader can effectively monitor the progress of work in a organized way.
And you, what would you like?
#kanban #scrum