AGI should be a hype these days or not?

AGI should be a hype these days or not?

One of the most inspiring dreams of AI! AGI is getting a lot of hype these days, one of the reason is that we have seen tremendous progress in ANI and people assume the same on this side as well. Secondly with modern rise in deep learning, we started simulate/model neurons and there is a hope if we can simulate a lot of neurons, we can mimic human brain. Well that's not quite simple.

Artificial neuron(i.e., sigmoid function) is so dumb in contrast to biological neuron. Even to this day, we don't even know how human brain actually work. So we are just applying out limited knowledge.

  • "One Learning Algorithm" hypothesis

Some fascinating experiment done on animals, that suggests that some pieces of biological brain tissue can do surprisingly wide range of tasks. It may be possible that a lot of intelligence is due to one or small hand full of algorithms. If only we can figure out that handful of algorithm, we may be able to implement it in future.

About the experiment Roe et al., 1992 , "If we cut the connection of auditory cortex with ears and instead feed images to auditory cortex, it learns to see." Same for somatosensory cortex.

Experiments like these shows, many different parts of brain functions accordingly to data that is given and learns to see, feel or hear.

So, at last even without achieving AGI, neural networks are already a very powerful tool for technology!

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