Aggregation in Pandas DataFrame

Aggregation in Pandas DataFrame

In data analysis and manipulation, aggregating data is a crucial step that involves combining multiple values into a single summary statistic. Pandas, a powerful data manipulation library in Python, provides various aggregation functions to perform these operations efficiently on DataFrame objects. This article will explore the concept of aggregation in Pandas, discuss commonly used aggregation functions, and provide detailed examples to demonstrate their usage and outputs.

Understanding Aggregation:

Aggregation refers to the process of transforming data into a summarized form by applying specific functions on subsets of the data. Aggregation functions consolidate multiple values into a single value, revealing essential insights into the data as a whole. Pandas offers a wide range of built-in aggregation functions to fit diverse data analysis scenarios.

Commonly Used Aggregation Functions:

Let's explore some commonly used aggregation functions provided by Pandas. We will beusing the following Data Frame:

import pandas as pd

data = {'Product': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'C'],
       'Price': [10, 15, 20, 12, 18, 25],
       'Quantity': [5, 7, 3, 6, 4, 9]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

  Product  Price  Quantity
0       A     10         5
1       A     15         7
2       B     20         3
3       C     12         6
4       B     18         4
5       C     25         9        


Computes the sum of all values in a column or across all columns.

Here is how we calcualte the sum for the "Price" Column


Calculates the average value of a column or across all columns.


Determines the middle value of a column or across all columns.

min(), max():

Identifies the minimum and maximum values in a column or across all columns.


Counts the number of non-null values in a column or across all columns.


Counts the number of unique values in a column or across all columns.


The idxmax() function in pandas is used to return the index of the maximum value in a Series or DataFrame column. In other words, it gives us the row index where the maximum value occurs in the column.


Write a Python program using Pandas to create a DataFrame from 
the given data and find the month with the highest average temperature.

import pandas as pd

data = {

    'Month': ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],

    'Temperature': [20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 32, 35, 34, 30, 28, 24, 21]


df = pd.DataFrame(data)

   Month  Temperature
0    Jan           20
1    Feb           22
2    Mar           25
3    Apr           27
4    May           30
5    Jun           32
6    Jul           35
7    Aug           34
8    Sep           30
9    Oct           28
10   Nov           24
11   Dec           21        


import pandas as pd

data = { 'Month': ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], 'Temperature': [20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 32, 35, 34, 30, 28, 24, 21] }

df = pd.DataFrame(data) highest_avg_temp_month = df['Month'][df['Temperature'].idxmax()]

print("The month with the highest average temperature is", highest_avg_temp_month)        

In the previous program, we have a DataFrame df with two columns: 'Month' and 'Temperature'. We want to find the month with the highest average temperature.

To do this, we first access the 'Temperature' column using df['Temperature']. Then, we apply the idxmax() function on this column using df['Temperature'].idxmax(). This will return the index of the row where the maximum temperature occurs.

Finally, we use this index to access the corresponding month from the 'Month' column using df['Month'][df['Temperature'].idxmax()], which gives us the month with the highest average temperature.

In the given data, the month with the highest average temperature is 'Jul' with a temperature of 35.

The line print(df['Month'][6]) is using the index-based access to retrieve the value at index 6 from the 'Month' column.

In pandas, DataFrame columns are represented as Series objects, which are essentially one-dimensional labeled arrays. By default, pandas assigns a numeric index to each row of the DataFrame starting from 0.

In this case, the 'Month' column has 12 values, and therefore it has an index range from 0 to 11. When we write df['Month'][6], we are first accessing the 'Month' column using df['Month'], which gives us a Series object. Then, we further access the value at index 6 of this Series using [6].

Since the 'Month' column has a range of 0 to 11, using [6] will retrieve the value at index 6, which corresponds to the 7th month in the data ('Jul'). Thus, print(df['Month'][6]) will output 'Jul' in this case. This is equivalent to the line:

highest_avg_temp_month = df['Month'][df['Temperature'].idxmax()]        
Where df['Temperature'].idxmax() = 6


Another solution is to use .loc[] as follows:

 highest_avg_temp_month = df.loc[df['Temperature'].idxmax()]['Month']         

This is another valid way to find the month with the highest average temperature in the given DataFrame.

Let's break down the steps:

  1. df['Temperature'].idxmax() returns the index of the maximum value in the 'Temperature' column. This means it gives us the row index where the highest temperature occurs.
  2. df.loc[df['Temperature'].idxmax()] uses loc to access the row at the index obtained in step 1. This returns a Series object containing the values of that row.

  1. Finally, ['Month'] is used to specifically access the value in the 'Month' column of the row obtained in step 2. This gives us the month with the highest average temperature.

So, by combining these steps into a single line highest_avg_temp_month = df.loc[df['Temperature'].idxmax()]['Month'], we are able to directly obtain the month with the highest average temperature from the DataFrame.

These are just a few examples of the aggregation functions available in Pandas. Depending on the situation, you can choose the appropriate aggregation function to generate the desired summary statistics.

Aggregation Examples:

To illustrate the usage of aggregation functions in Pandas, let's consider a sample DataFrame containing information about sales transactions:

import pandas as pd

data = {'Product': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'C'],
       'Price': [10, 15, 20, 12, 18, 25],
       'Quantity': [5, 7, 3, 6, 4, 9]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

The DataFrame df consists of three columns: 'Product,' 'Price,' and 'Quantity.'

3.1. Calculating the Total Sales:

To compute the total sales, we can multiply the 'Price' and 'Quantity' columns together, and then use the sum() function:

total_sales = (df['Price'] * df['Quantity']).sum()



The output displays the total sales generated from all transactions.

3.2. Finding the Average Price:

To determine the average price, we can use the mean() function on the 'Price' column:

average_price = df['Price'].mean()



The output shows the average price for all products.

Aggregation with GroupBy:

One powerful use case of aggregation involves combining it with GroupBy to summarize data based on specific categories. This can provide insights into group-level statistics. For example, let's group the data by 'Product' and calculate the total sales for each product:product_sales = df.groupby('Product')['Price'].sum() print(product_sales) Output:Product A 25 B 38 C 37 Name: Price, dtype: int64 The output displays the total sales for each product. For more details about Aggregation with GroupBy, refer to the following article:

Aggregation using agg():

In Pandas, the agg() function is a powerful tool for performing complex aggregation operations on DataFrame objects. The agg() function allows you to apply multiple aggregation functions simultaneously, making it convenient for generating multiple summary statistics in a single operation. This section will explore the concept of aggregation using agg() in Pandas DataFrame, provide detailed examples to illustrate its usage, and showcase the corresponding output.

Understanding Aggregation using agg():

The agg() function in Pandas allows you to perform aggregation by specifying one or more aggregation functions to apply to specific columns of a DataFrame. This enables you to obtain multiple summary statistics in a concise and efficient way.

Syntax of agg():

The syntax for using the agg() function is as follows:

df.agg(func, axis=0, *args, **kwargs)

  • func: Specifies the aggregation function(s) to apply. It can be a single function or a list of functions.
  • axis: Determines whether the aggregation is performed along rows (axis=0) or columns (axis=1).
  • *args, **kwargs: Optional arguments to be passed to the aggregation functions.

Aggregation using agg() Examples:

To demonstrate the usage of agg() for aggregation operations, let's consider a sample DataFrame containing information about sales transactions:

import pandas as pd

data = {'Product': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'C'],
       'Price': [10, 15, 20, 12, 18, 25],
       'Quantity': [5, 7, 3, 6, 4, 9]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

The DataFrame df consists of three columns: 'Product,' 'Price,' and 'Quantity.'

Applying Multiple Aggregation Functions:

To find multiple summary statistics of the 'Price' column, such as the sum, mean, and maximum value, we can use the agg() function:

summary_stats = df['Price'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])

In this code, the variable summary_stats is assigned the result of applying aggregate functions to the 'Price' column of the DataFrame df. The aggregate functions applied are sum, mean, and max.

The agg method is used to apply these aggregate functions to the 'Price' column. The result is a Series object that contains the computed values for each aggregate function. The index of this Series contains the names of the aggregate functions applied.


sum     100
mean    16.666667
max     25
Name: Price, dtype: float64

The output displays the sum, mean, and maximum value of the 'Price' column.

Aggregation with Custom Functions:

You can also use custom functions with agg(). Let's define a custom function to calculate the range (maximum value - minimum value) of the 'Quantity' column, and apply it using agg():

def calculate_range(x):
   return x.max() - x.min()

range_quantity = df['Quantity'].agg(calculate_range)



The output shows the range of the 'Quantity' values.

Aggregation on Multiple Columns:

agg() is not limited to a single column; it can be used on multiple columns as well. Let's calculate the sum of 'Price' and the average of 'Quantity' simultaneously:

agg_results = df.agg({'Price': 'sum', 'Quantity': 'mean'})


Price       100.000000
Quantity      5.666667
dtype: float64

The output displays the sum of 'Price' and the average of 'Quantity' values separately.


When using the agg function in pandas, the index of the resulting Series or DataFrame depends on the input data and the type of aggregation performed.

In the code

summary_stats = df['Price'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])         

The input is a single-column df['Price'], and the agg function is used to apply three different aggregate functions: sum, mean, and max.

By default, the resulting Series will have an index that corresponds to the names of the aggregate functions. In this case, the resulting summary_stats Series will have an index of ['sum', 'mean', 'max'], and the corresponding values will be the computed sum, mean, and maximum of the 'Price' column.

To reset the index and convert the resulting Series into a DataFrame, you can use the reset_index method. The reset_index() method in pandas provides several options to customize the behavior of index resetting. Here are the available options:

  1. reset_index(): This option resets the index and adds a new column called 'index' that contains the previous index values. The resulting DataFrame will have a new default integer index.
  2. reset_index(drop=True): This option resets the index and removes the previous index values completely. The resulting DataFrame will have a new default integer index, and the previous index values are discarded. Setting drop=True ensures that the previous index is not added as a new column.
  3. reset_index(level='column_name'): This option resets the index and keeps the specified column as part of the DataFrame's index. The column specified in the level parameter will become part of the index, while the other columns will remain as regular columns. This is useful when you want to promote a column to become part of the index.
  4. reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True): This option resets the index and modifies the DataFrame in place. By setting inplace=True, the original DataFrame will be modified instead of creating a new DataFrame.
  5. reset_index(name='new_column_name'): This option resets the index and renames the new index column with a specified name. By default, the new index column is named 'index'. You can provide a custom name by specifying name='new_column_name'.

These options give you flexibility in resetting the index based on your requirements. Make sure to choose the appropriate option based on whether you want to preserve the previous index values, add them as a new column, or drop them altogether.

Examples of the different ways to reset the index:

reset_index() without any arguments:

Will reset the index and add a new column called 'index' that contains the previous index values.


This will reset the index and remove the previous index values completely. The resulting DataFrame will have a new default integer index.


If a column name is specified, this will reset only that particular column to become part of the DataFrame's index, while keeping other columns intact.

Here's an example of how to reset the index using the first method:

summary_stats = df['Price'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])
summary_stats = summary_stats.reset_index()

This will produce a DataFrame with two columns - 'index' and 'Price', where 'index' contains the names of the aggregate functions ('sum', 'mean', 'max') and 'Price' contains the computed values.

Using GroupBy:

Let's consider a new example where we have a DataFrame called sales_data that contains information about the sales of different products in different regions.

import pandas as pd

# Create a sample DataFrame
sales_data = pd.DataFrame({
   'Product': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
   'Region': ['East', 'West', 'East', 'West', 'East', 'West'],
   'Sales': [100, 200, 150, 120, 180, 130]



 Product Region  Sales
0       A   East    100
1       B   West    200
2       C   East    150
3       A   West    120
4       B   East    180
5       C   West    130

Now, let's use the agg function to calculate the total sales, average sales, and maximum sales for each product.

summary_stats = sales_data.groupby('Product')['Sales'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])


        sum   mean  max
A        220  110.0  120
B        380  190.0  200
C        280  140.0  150

In this example, we first group the sales_data DataFrame by the 'Product' column using the groupby function. Then, we apply the agg function on the 'Sales' column for each group. We specify the aggregate functions we want to apply - sum, mean, and max - in the form of a list ['sum', 'mean', 'max'].

The resulting DataFrame, summary_stats, has the 'Product' column as the index, and the calculated values for each aggregate function as columns. The 'sum' column contains the total sales for each product, the 'mean' column contains the average sales, and the 'max' column contains the maximum sales.

Note that in this example, the index is automatically set to the 'Product' column due to the grouping operation. If you want to reset the index or perform any additional operations on this DataFrame, you can use the reset_index() method as described in the previous explanation.


In the previous example, let's say we have the summary_stats DataFrame which looks like this:

summary_stats = pd.DataFrame({
   'sum': [220, 380, 280],
   'mean': [110.0, 190.0, 140.0],
   'max': [120, 200, 150]
}, index=['A', 'B', 'C'])



  sum   mean  max
A  220  110.0  120
B  380  190.0  200
C  280  140.0  150

Now, let's say we want to reset the index but keep the 'Product' column intact as part of the DataFrame's index. Here's how you can achieve that using the reset_index(level='column_name') method:

summary_stats = summary_stats.reset_index(level='Product')



 Product  sum   mean  max
0       A  220  110.0  120
1       B  380  190.0  200
2       C  280  140.0  150

In this example, we use the reset_index(level='Product') method to reset the index while keeping the 'Product' column as part of the DataFrame's index. The resulting DataFrame now has a new default integer index, and the 'Product' column is included as a regular column.

Note that you need to provide the exact name of the column you want to reset as the argument to reset_index(level='column_name'). In this case, the column name is 'Product', so we pass level='Product' to reset the index based on that column.


The rename() function in pandas is used to change the labels (names) of the rows or columns in a DataFrame or Series. It allows you to modify the index labels or column names based on your requirements.

The rename() function can be used in two ways:

  1. Renaming Columns:To rename columns in a DataFrame, you can pass a dictionary to the columns parameter of the rename() function. The keys of the dictionary represent the current column names, and the values represent the new column names. The columns specified in the dictionary will be renamed accordingly. If a column's name is not included in the dictionary, it will remain unaffected. Example: df.rename(columns={'current_name1': 'new_name1', 'current_name2': 'new_name2'}, inplace=True)
  2. Renaming Index Labels:To rename index labels in a DataFrame or Series, you can pass a dictionary to the index parameter of the rename() function. The keys of the dictionary represent the current index labels, and the values represent the new index labels. The index labels specified in the dictionary will be renamed accordingly. If an index label is not included in the dictionary, it will remain unaffected. Example:

df.rename(index={'current_label1': 'new_label1', 'current_label2': 'new_label2'}, inplace=True)        

The rename() function returns a new DataFrame or Series with the modified labels, unless the inplace parameter is set to True. By default, inplace is set to False, which means the original DataFrame or Series remains unchanged, and a modified copy is returned.

Note that you can combine both column and index renaming in a single rename() function call by including both the columns and index parameters.

The rename() function is useful when you want to modify the labels of rows or columns to make them more meaningful or when you want to standardize the naming conventions in your DataFrame.

Here's an example of how to use the rename() function in pandas:

import pandas as pd

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {
   'Product_Code': ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'],
   'Product_Name': ['Product A', 'Product B', 'Product C', 'Product D', 'Product E'],
   'Price': [10.99, 5.99, 8.99, 12.99, 7.99]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

print("Original DataFrame:")

# Rename the 'Product_Name' column to 'Name'
df = df.rename(columns={'Product_Name': 'Name'})

print("\nDataFrame after renaming the column:")


Original DataFrame:
 Product_Code Product_Name  Price
0           P1    Product A  10.99
1           P2    Product B   5.99
2           P3    Product C   8.99
3           P4    Product D  12.99
4           P5    Product E   7.99

DataFrame after renaming the column:
 Product_Code       Name  Price
0           P1  Product A  10.99
1           P2  Product B   5.99
2           P3  Product C   8.99
3           P4  Product D  12.99
4           P5  Product E   7.99

In this example, we have a DataFrame df that contains information about products. We want to rename the column 'Product_Name' to 'Name'. To achieve this, we use the rename() function and pass a dictionary to the columns parameter. The keys of the dictionary represent the current column names, and the values represent the new column names.

After renaming the column, the updated DataFrame df is displayed with the modified column names. The 'Product_Name' column is now renamed to 'Name' in the DataFrame.

The agg() function in Pandas allows you to perform aggregation operations with ease, enabling you to generate multiple summary statistics in a single operation. This article provided an overview of aggregation using agg(), explaining its syntax and showcasing detailed examples with the corresponding output. By leveraging agg(), you can efficiently compute complex aggregations, apply custom functions, and derive valuable insights from your data analysis in Pandas.


Aggregation is a fundamental concept in Pandas, enabling users to summarize and extract insights from data by using various aggregation functions. This article provided an overview of aggregation, discussed commonly used aggregation functions, and showcased their practical usage through examples. By leveraging the power of aggregation in Pandas, you can efficiently derive meaningful summary statistics from your data and gain deeper insights into your analysis.


