AgFax Southeast Cotton: Widely Irregular Stands - This Year's Fact Of Life - June 20
Here is this week's issue of AgFax Southeast Cotton, sponsored bythe Southern Cotton Team of AMVAC Chemical Corporation.
A wetter weather pattern developed through parts of the region since last week’s report. However, certain areas remain dry. In places, no significant rain has fallen since early May.
Plant bugs remain in the system. Extension personnel, though, are trying to determine how much recent square loss was due to plant bugs and how much might be associated with weather-related stress.
Aphids are more evident and are building and spreading in spots. The amount of necessary treating typically depends on how fast aphids build, how weather conditions play out and how soon the aphid fungus takes hold.
Irregular cotton stands are a fact of life and will be for the rest of the season. With recent rains, more dry-planted cotton emerged within fields among older plants – some of which may not be that far from squaring. This mix of sizes and stages will complicate decisions about growth regulators, insecticides and harvest aids.
Plenty of fields do have uniform stands and a limited amount of variability occurs somewhere every year. But several of our contacts say that they have never seen this much of it. The problem also exists this year through a wide part of the Midsouth.
Click here to read this week's issue of AgFax Southeast Cotton!