Agentless Monitoring - Zabbix
Karthick D
Linux | DevSecOps | Cyber Security | Python | AWS | Docker | K8s | Ansible | Salt | Terraform | ELK | Zabbix | Content Writter @Medium
Guide for Agentless approach using zabbix
What Is Zabbix Agentless Monitoring?
Agentless monitoring allows you to collect system metrics, logs, and performance data without installing a Zabbix agent on the monitored host. Instead, it uses native protocols such as:
Why Choose Agentless Monitoring?
Zabbix Agentless Monitoring for Linux Machines:
Step -1: Enable SSH on the Target System
To enable SSH monitoring, ensure the SSH service is running on the target Linux host:
Allow the Zabbix server to connect by adding its public key to the target system:
sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh
sudo echo "<zabbix-server-public-key>" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Step 0: Configure the Zabbix Server
Step 1: Create New Template:
Navigate to Data Collection → Template
Create a New Template
Step 2: Create an items
2.1 Master Item:
Navigate to the same template we created and create a new Item.
mpstat && uptime && free
Step 3: Create Dependent Items
Steps to Configure Dependent Items in Zabbix
Use SSH get as the master item and extract the following dependent items using preprocessing steps:
3.1 System Uptime
Regular expression Pattern: up\s+(.+)?, Result: \1
3.2 Kernel-Version
3.3 Architecture Type (aarch)
3.4 OS Type
3.5 CPU Count
3.6 CPU Idle
Regular expression Pattern: all\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+[0–9.]+\s+([0–9.]+) Result: \1
3.7 Other Metrics (Follow the same process):
3.8 Memory:
Total Memory
Regular expression: Pattern: .*Mem:\s+(\d+).* Result: \1
Other Metrics (Follow the same process):
Step 4: Create a Graph
4.1 CPU Utilization Graph
Read full blog here:
Zabbix agentless monitoring provides a powerful and flexible solution for tracking Linux system performance without installing additional software. By leveraging SSH, you can monitor CPU, memory, uptime, and other critical metrics effectively. Start using Zabbix agentless monitoring today and simplify your infrastructure management.
Ready to enhance your monitoring setup? Let us know your favorite Zabbix features in the comments!
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