Agenda behind LGBTQ movement (Explained)
Parijat Saurav Anand
Content Writer ( Article Writer, Blog Post ) with 4+ years of Experience | Educator | Trader at Capital Market ? UPSC Content Writing ?
LGBTQ/ Trans movement is well drafted, designed step by step movement n being implemented everywhere.
U must have observed from last few years Suddenly newspaper, articles started to publish pro LGBTQ articles.
Lot of movies, web series started to promote it.
Leaders, Brands, TV debates, cricketers, actors all started to support it Nothing is random in this world.
In LGBTQ+ movement
"LGB" is only to show.
The real game is in "TQ+"
Globalist elites are behind this Destroying old civilization and family based world order and establish a New World Order is ultimate target but there are more sinister objectives.
Entire movement is designed in seven stages
Stage 1
They will start with Love n equally.
Since it's considered wrong in many countries so in first legal hurdles will be removed n LGBTQ will be put as matter of love.
In India it started with decriminalisation of article 377
Stage 2
Here promotion of LGBTQ will start. It will be presented as cool. Same sex marriage will legalized. The idea of gender fluidity will be introduced.
Stage 3
Real game will start here and it will start in schools. To create awareness among kids, content related to Gender identity will be added in school curriculum and for that first teachers will be trained.
It had already started in India.
National Education Policy 2019 already has provisions for it. In 2020 NCERT prepared a teacher's training module that has all contents related to gender identities.
Two batches of teachers already have gone through this training.
This training manual was prepared with assistance of LGBTQ activist Vikramaditya Sahay.
Now since these teachers are ready they will pass on this knowledge to students.
Stage 4
Now all education related to gender identities and sex education will be given to kids.
They will be told that gender is not by birth but by their wish.
If a boy thinks he is girl then he has full right to change his gender by surgery.
In India this stage yet to come. Law has been passed in California yesterday.
Stage 5
Now rules will be made for sex change surgeries of kids.
Kids will be educated about puberty blockers n will put on it so that kids remain kids because in later stage they have to be exploited
Stage 6
Any resistance by parents to sex change of kids will be declared criminal activity.
If your kids come to you and ask for sex change and you deny it then it will be considered exploitation of kids and state will have full right to take your kids
Stage 7
Last n final stage -
Legalize ped0philia
As Musk mentioned in his tweet Kids groomed by this way will be highly vulnerable n can easily be sexually exploited.
Target of LGBTQ movement is to groom kids for sex n normalise pedophilia India is currently at stage 3 while US is at stage 6 and near to stage 7. Many EU countries are also at stage 5 and stage 6.
So a movement that started with Love between adults of same sex was actually intended to exploitation of kids Child sex is an imp ritual in Satanism Objective is to establish a New World Order
What is New World Order
New World Order is ultimate goal of Globalist.
NWO explained in this pic
There will be only one religion in NWO and that will be Satanism
There will be only one God - Lucifer Few people will control entire Humanity Their target is to bring NWO by 2030
This all started with Love, equality and Same sex marriage in USA but how this ended ?
Number of children gender clinics in 2007
Number of children clinics in 2022 in USA
Data don't lie
This question may come up in mind of many people that how do I know abt these 7 stages ?
We are not against homosexuals, we respect their emotions but this LGBTQ movement was never about adults love of same sex.
It was always about ped0philia and Global control.