Agency Growth: Let's Look Under The Hood
Tommy Gaffney - Vice President National Sales
I help employee benefits advisors grow their business, increase revenue and protect their best clients from the competition.
When growing your business, don't forget the goldmine of potential revenue within your customer base. Building strong connections with current customers is a great way to fuel growth for your business.
Moving into Q4, consider these 3 myths that we have debunked.
Myth #1 - We think growth must come from new business.
Our solution - We believe that growth exists within your existing book of business.?
Myth #2 - We believe organic growth is the occasional "word-of-mouth" referral.
Our solution - Organic growth is achieved by looking under the hood and identifying opportunities.
Myth #3 - We believe a stagnate book is because of flat renewals and post-pandemic reasons.
Our solution - A stagnate book results from an empty pipeline and the lack of organic growth.
After reviewing these myths and agency solutions, let's discuss Q4 opportunities. I will show you how to look under the hood of your current clients so that in planning for Q4 conversations and pre-open enrollment meetings, we can start helping you organically grow your book of business.?
Keep watching the video here for more details.