Agema Analysts Periodical - January 2023
Agema Analysts
Strategic Corporate Advice | Investment Structuring | Risk and Intelligence Analysis
Recordation Of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
In 2021, the mandatory recording of Intellectual Property rights (IPRs) was introduced in Kenya. In a bid to fight against counterfeiting in the country, the exercise requires mandatory recording of IPRs such as trademarks with the Kenyan Anti-Counterfeit Authority (“ACA”) for all imported goods. Through this reform, goods bearing IPRs that are not recorded in the ACA IPR database will be prevented from being imported into Kenya.
The deadline for the recordation exercise was extended to 1st January 2023. Read more ...
Implementation Of Corporate Tax Law in the UAE
On 9 December 2022, the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) issued Federal Decree-Law No. (47) of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses (“Corporate?Tax?Law”). The Corporate Tax Law will be effective for financial years starting on or after 1 June 2023.
Article 2 of the Corporate Tax Law provides that Corporate Tax will be imposed on Taxable Income. Below we have outlined some of the key provisions in an overview. Read more ...
About Agema Analysts
At Agema Analysts, we advise companies on legal practices across our key jurisdictions in Africa, UAE, and Europe. Additionally, we support businesses of all sizes to develop effective and prudent brand strategies across markets and advise on ever-changing legal practices. Please get in touch with our team for further consultation.