Aged Care Technology .... The WHY??
Banksia Consulting Group Pty Ltd
Banksia Philosophy - "Total Aged Care Solutions"- providing unbiased, sustainable and transformative problem solving.
Technology and Digital transformation means nothing to Aged or Healthcare is there is no no co-design of the technology with residents, staff, management and all key stakeholders in mind along with a clear understanding of the challenges and the problems that advanced technology can solve.
Technology can be daunting, challenging and costly for Aged / Healthcare organisations, I say daunting because there is so much out there like robotics, artificial intelligence, software communication apps and the list goes on really there is a plethora of technology choice, the challenges come implementing technology and the change management that comes with that as it's not always easy to implement and execute if you dont have key people on board.
Technology is seen as costly for Aged and Healthcare especially when most organisations struggle to ensure basics of keeping staff, food and medical supplies as well as repairs and maintenance there doesn't seem to be a budget or available funds for technology investment.
Whilst the above seem like behavioural and financial obstacles to overcome along with the five challenges that HSC Technology Group highlighted in their previous correspondence to the Aged care sector : 1) Better and Improved Compliance; 2)Staff Engagement; 3)Communication with Families; 4) Resident autonomy; 5)Sustainable Profitability along with the reluctance to implement technology due to timing, stakeholders, cost and change management it really is time to ask the question if we don't implement improved co-designed technology that solves our problems then when will we and will our organisation be left behind.
The great news is that it's not too late to engage with technology companies and lead the change by designing with the technology providers that will help solve challenges now and into the future.
Here are some of the key ways to understand your technology needs and how you drive and overcome the cost issue, the change management and implementation of Technology:
1) Have a clear strategy of what problems you are solving and what you want to achieve this may need a high level of stakeholder engagement across staff, residents, families and management. What are your roadblocks to providing person centred care and best practice care in the sector?
2) Once you have a clear strategy / objective engage a technology company who can help co-design your technology solution, build a technology solutions brief for your providers they may or may not have what you need but engagement is critical, send the brief outlining challenges, possible solutions and what utopia might look like.
3) Agree on possible solutions with your technology partner and both engage in a pilot; a pilot gives both parties the opportunity to participate equally in resources and investment to ensure a level of success. The ROI ( Return on Investment) can measured on $ returns or value so be clear on what you want to achieve.
4) Change Management should not be underestimated the success of any technology pilot or implementation relies on stakeholder engagement. The loudest or most vocal of the stakeholders who want to challenge the solution should be involved in implementation this is very controversial, however if you have them on the journey they become advocates and help reduce any friction along the way and help celebrate the successful implementation and long lasting impact of the technology change.
5) Cost - when it comes to technology there is a cost or investment associated, however there are ways to overcome the financial challenges that comes with paying for the technology here are a few areas to consider:
A) Business Technology Grants from Federal Government
B) Capex investment to OPEX many Technology companies can help with finance solutions (the monthly repayments could be tax-deductible)
C) Subscription based which can be adapted to technology and software.
D) Savings generated from Procurement initiatives or rebates from contracts
E) Operating Profits that can be shifted for investment purposes
Why would you not invest in technology, we have the greatest opportunity right now to co-design with your technology partners, change management is challenging but it's easier if you know how and financially plenty of options to finance the technology.
No more excuses, no more deflection build your technology solution with your aged care organisation in mind, small or large and don't except technology sales people selling you if they dont understand you or your challenges.
We all know the WHY it's time for action and most importantly if you have a successful technology implementation it's great to share best practice in the sector. Lets learn off each other thats more powerful when you are in the driving seat of technology and transformation in Aged and Healthcare.