Yousuf Ibnul Hasan
Program Consultant Islamic Economic, Finance & Banking, Teacher, Trainer, Colunmist, Author, Broadcaster
By Yousuf Ibnul Hasan
As world changing its shape by moving towards rapid modernization, new comforts, evil acts and atheism to nature are emerging in the society. Comforts are only for those who can afford it. Evil acts by individuals or groups, motivated by seeing the lifestyle of the elite class who enjoy all comforts and magnificence in society. Atheism is seen as an emotional reaction against the minority who enjoys the luxuries of life, using the shoulders of the majority, deprived from all comforts and enjoyments of life. Keeping in view of the incidents, one can and without any hesitation, classifies 19th and 20th century as "The Age of Terrorism". Period within two centuries, endlessly and noticeably showing horrifying, vindictiveness, brutal and vile variety waves of terrorism that are wrapping the society.
Well-known European writer, Walter Laquer, an authority of Western History, wrote a number of books that manifested him as one of an outstanding writer. Some of his significant books, like Weimax, Guerrilla, The Terrible Secret, Germany Today, World of Secrets and The Uses and Limits of Intelligence are his un-matched achievements. Walter proved that he holds a grip on topics he discusses. Specially subjects that relate to terrorism. His views and observations are rational and has a depth that keeps the reader clearly understand him. Material, that he incorporated in his books on various kinds of terrorism, its acts, nature and category, are balanced and proved with documentary evidences in support to his reasoning, opinion and explanations.
Nevertheless, what is the basic taxonomy of Terrorism? It cannot be as simple as Walter takes it with a dictionary meaning. According to him, terrorism is an act to injure. Act of terrorism, its nature, techniques, and type can be defined in various scenarios and Walter in his book Guerrilla is failed to be bayous in many ways when topics had to be reflected negatively towards western waves of terrorism in different periods.
Walter Laquer says, "Terrorism is an actual or threatened use of violence for getting political goals that are directed not only against victims but also against large related groups. The scope of these actions often surpasses national and international boundaries." This explanation is undigested for serious readers.
A simple view that is seen in present perspective and keeping historical evidences of terrorist acts and actions, can be explained as “Terrorism is an act of violence against the community, within or outside the community, by an individual, group or organization, to achieve goals or objectives for which terrorists are deprived, denied or disregarded by rule, rulers or commandments”.
The other view that is comprehensible and based on reason and can be supported by the explanation is, “Terrorism is an act by an individual, group or organization against people, community or country for certain objectives. Whereas, terrorist acts against the state of the members of the community, such acts do not come in the category of terrorism. These acts classified as an aspiration for freedom from rulers or rules. Damaging the state forces is the disliking the sate rule and hurting the community is the terrorism. Such acts can be distinguished in the perception of disliking and desire of freedom and self determinations:
- Muslims in occupied Kashmir seeking freedom and self-determination against the Indian government.
- Bengalis against Islamabad rulers for their rights of majority backed by the Indian government. (1969 to 1971)
- Palestinians against Israel atrocities and cruelty.
- Khalistan Movement by Sikhs population in India against Indian Government.
- Iraqis against Western Allies and US.
- Taliban struggle in Afghanistan against Western Forces.
- Chechnya against Russian forces.
- Baluchistan Liberation Movement against the Pakistan government backed by RAW, Mashhad and CIAl
Wave of terrorism is spreading and can be seen in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Salvador, Chechnya, Bosnia, USA, UK, Spain, Indonesia, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Spain, Pakistan, India, Italy, Israel, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Afghanistan. This topic can be seen with a background of terrorism and it is explained that has been recurrent during the periods of political and social upheavals.
Let us turn towards the period in the 19th century, one can find the rebellions in rural parts of Italy and Spain used terrorism, as did their counterparts in France. The Russian Revolutionary Movement had a strong terrorist element before the World War. Groups emerged in the 19th and 20th century, like the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, Croatian Ustashi and Irish Republican Army often carried their terrorist activities beyond the boundaries of their own countries. Sometime to support groups to establish governments, like government of Bulgaria and Italy under fascist leader Benito Mussolini and some time to remove the regimes through a group like Al-Zulfiqar in Pakistan.
It can reduce to bare bones in a much better way that wave of International Terrorism in this age has developed after mid of 1960 and in different ways than the earlier ones, having widespread consequence with greater impact. Several combined elements; reasons and aims have given strength to the present terrorist culture and activities.
Technological advancements have proved that present terrorism has greater destructiveness by using small equipment’s. Today, advancement has given the terrorists, to act much faster and with quicker and rapid movements. The swift communication system used by terrorists helps them in extensive worldwide connection of choosing victims.
Archives have highlighted the origins of terrorist waves. Age of Terrorism began in 1960 with unresolved Middle Eastern conflict between Arab Nations and Israel. Jewish extremist and headliners like the Stern Gang and Irgun Zval Leumi used professional terrorists and means of terrorism during their struggle for an independent Israel in the late 1940. Their Arab opponents in the 1960s and 70s decided to use the weapon systems. With the expulsion of Palestinian guerrillas from Jordan in Sept. 1970, observed the creation of an extremist terrorist known as "Black September." The PLO conducted a commando operation not only in Israel, but also in the countries that support the cause of Israel. The part of Palestine terrorism is seen in the name of Leila Khalid, the lady that made a history in the Acts of aircraft high jacking.
Spread of terrorism outside the Middle East in the 1960s was most prominent after World War II in three industrial nations where a significant change from authoritarianism was replaced by democracy. This change was the most rapid and shocking to the West Germany, Japan and Italy. This was motivated by uncertain communist ideologies and typically supported by fashionable leftist sympathizers in rich middle class. Terrorists act’s aimed to bring out destruction of state by provoking its violent, self-destructive reaction.
Former West Germany, the so-called Red Army faction, better known as the Baader - Meinhoff Gang, robbed numerous banks and raided U.S. military installations. Its most spectacular exploits were the 1977 kidnapping and murder of a prominent industrialist, Hans-Martin Schleyer and hijacking by Arab sympathizers of a Lufthansa airliner to Mogadishu, Somalia. Though this incident was not received much importance as reason was, the intelligence agencies in the western world that efficiently camouflaged the incident to save the instability within the western community. Nevertheless, facts those remain, as the part of history and cannot be ignored or write-off from the human memories, as when terrorism is discussed.
Japanese Red Army terrorist group and members of the former West Germany gang frequently cooperated with Palestinian freedom fighters through their funds and expertise. Specially in the murder of Israeli athletes at the Olympic games in 1972. It was a shocking part to read that most of Red Army members were either imprisoned or dead or made to die while imprisoned.
This has given a birth to a new act of state terrorism, now known as Extra Judicial Killing by law enforcement agencies been formed to keep the control on rules of rulers. One such incident is the recent brutal killing of an innocent Brazilian at Waterloo in London by the police of a country known to be the most active human right supporter. The other such examples can be seen in the countries where the rulers suppress lip movements against their rules. Extra judicial killing can be seen in India against organized crimes and the underworld, in Pakistan, Mexico, Egypt, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, Bangladesh and some European countries, against political activists, religious fractions and gangs and members of gangs of organized crimes.
Explaining the role of another terrorist group, known as Red Brigades that emerged as a more powerful organization. This group was responsible of kidnapping and then murdering the former Prime Minister Aldo Moro. The Italian terrorist gangs are rated as more powerful operators at international and domestic fronts. These groups are involved in activities from murder to Kidnapping, drug trafficking to human trade. From running gambling houses to brothel homes and patronizing smuggling, black-marketing, blackmailing, the industrial labor movement and every act that makes the income wheel move in the direction of extra revenue generation.
Unlike terrorist movements in western industrial nations and in the Middle East, Latin America owed more long-standing local traditions of political violence than to new problems that are common in advanced industrial societies. In Latin America, new development ascended which is known as urban guerrilla movement through which terrorist activities shifted from the countryside to widespread cities.
There should not be any hesitation while accusing few governments like the former USSR, USA, Libya, South Yemen, India, Italy and Algeria who were directly responsible for taking the world into the Age of Terrorism. The reason was the proven role of former USSR, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Britain, USA, France, India and Mexico, indirectly involving their recourses in patronizing organized terrorism and using their fund based organizations. It is an established fact that indirect players who are involved in terrorism are the real culprits and can be classified as the powers that hold “Veto rights”. These veto countries are the players of the game similar to “Cow and Stick”. Which shows that whosoever has a more dominant stick, has more countries in its block.
Western media having so close eye on the international terrorism hesitates to put the responsibility of the developing countries that are in fact directly responsible in pushing the peaceful world in the age of terrorism. They purposely turn their faces from the realities and functions that are played by their secret services organizations. These organizations’ mastermind acts of
Terrorism that is some of the most import events which shocked the world. Commonly, incidents that are taking place in South East Asia, Europe and Middle East.
Late sixties and early seventy had witnessed the role played by India which is regarded as the largest democratic nation of the world. India used its resources to eliminate its neighbor countries. The victims in five decades were small neighbors like Sri-Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and in particular Pakistan, which was divided into two parts by pre-planned, created terrorist organization, known as “Mukti Bhaini” who were not the other but Bengali speaking youths of former East Pakistan. First these youth were brainwashed against Islamabad, then trained to use the weapons and execute sabotage activities. Their acts of terrorist activities were named as freedom movement. While innocent community was put to brutalities, the west was encouraging India with the support of all kinds.
Least but not the last RAW, the Indian secret service organization supported Al-Zulfiqar to dent Pakistan military regime of 70’s and 80’s through two sons of Late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the founder of the Pakistan Peoples Party. Al-Zulfiqar group, in conveyances with RAW, carried out high jacking of Pakistan International Airline’s plane, flying on domestic route to Peshawar. Commercial flight was carrying innocent passengers; the crew and airline staff were kept as hostage. During the plane remain under hijacked a diplomat was murdered on board. This incident is reported as the longest and successful act, played for almost thirteen days. PIA aircraft and its passengers were released after the release of fifty political activists strongly affiliated with Pakistan Peoples Party.
American and French connections were accused to be the architect in the assassination of General Zia-UL-Haq along with Pakistan top military brass. The military aircraft was blown in the air, killing top ranking military personals, including the US Ambassador designated in Pakistan.
9/11 incident was well thought-out to be the jointly masterminded by MOSAD and CIA. The purpose was to put into effect in achieving benefits for western drugs mafia and their business. That was a plan to take over the control on Afghanistan by giving the justification of 9/11.
Former USSR aggression in Afghanistan was jointly stamped out by the USA and its western allies through Pakistan. For almost eleven years the Pakistan territory, people and powers were used for the elimination of former USSR. As a result, Pakistan, its economics and social- economic activities were pushed to breath through defective ventilator. In return of sacrifices that Pakistan and people of Pakistan gave to save US and Western interest, the USA imposed economic sanctions for an indefinite period. Pakistan was seen as a stepchild of this universe, leaving Pakistan alone to face post war life in Afghanistan.
The Russian aggression in Afghanistan and counter to this aggression had seen the largest weapon logistics movement after World War 2 in the area of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This had created a massive birth of terrorists within Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan comes across a handicap situation due to the Indian threat at its borders. India is taking the benefit of the unstable situation in Pakistan penetrated by its RAW that has damaged the entire steadiness of Pakistan.
The purpose of Afghanistan aggression by its Western allies and US was not to punish Afghanistan, the regime after 9/11. In reality the Zionist power desires to remove the Taliban regime that was creating hurdles in poppy cultivation on the belief that the product is vicious for mankind. Euro-American underworld pumped their sources, influences and expertise to stage 9/11. In a nutshell 9/11 chapters are an act of cruelty and dismayed that removed the curtains from the faces of governments that are calling themselves the Democratic, for the people, by the people, by the people. Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s disaster was not an act by Taliban or Muslim Fundamentalists. It was an act of International Terrorism.
Western media do provide unlimited information on the subject and one must accept that the strong grip of western writers on the subject must be appreciated of their devoted work. But the facts that were ignored, purposely untouched or avoided, might not be important for these writers or do not synchronize with the versions. But it is a truth "Sweet World has become an ugly hell for poor and innocent humanity." This leaves a question for developing society and civilized community:
Mother! How long will you keep weeping and searching the body bags that are arriving from the land that do not have your roots? Your tears for your sons, wrapped in the bags, killed, murdered or injured in the acts of terrorism, becoming a part in the acts of terrorism and volunteering to be part of state organized terrorism? In fact the body bags are not filled with bodies or your sons, brothers and husbands; these are your tears that are a gift from the State, of the State, by the State commonly known as the United States. Be united to receive victims from the Acts of Terrorism.