The age of showmanship has dawned!
BY: Al Lotter

The age of showmanship has dawned!

Watching the nail-biting, final moments of the US Elections was almost as daunting as watching the finals of a world cup of a major sporting event. It reminded me somewhat of the rugby match in last year’s World Cup; when Japan unexpectedly crushed South Africa.

I know the whole US Election subject has been mentioned and talked about way too many times, I thought I’d pen down my sentiments on the matter nonetheless.

Like most people (lucid and educated), I was in shock and in awe whilst witnessing The Donald’s rise in electoral votes near the end. Although I am in no way a US political expert or analyst and vaguely understand its electoral process, I will be honest; I was numb and definitely guttered to say the least.

What is happening to the world? We are in an age where the likes of Vladimir Putin (chummy with The Donald by the way) gets away with, well, murder in Syria, Mugabe is still going at it like a bull in a china shop, the tyrannical Bashar al-Assad is still in the driver’s seat in (the now defunct) Syria and Omar al-Bashir has violated so many crimes of humanity, that he makes Charles Manson look like the “chucker-out-arch-angel” at the Pearly Gates.

I am not saying that Donald Trump can and should be compared to these “fine” leaders I mentioned, but I am perplexed at the madness of the globe’s political bearing. We have enough crazy leaders the world-over, I just never expected Big Brother to also follow suit.

For the record, I have nothing against Mr. Trump. In fact, I have always appreciated his candid nature and have been a “secret” Trump-fan on a social level. The highly acclaimed The Apprentice, had me hooked for most seasons.

I like the guy; he’s a family man, a businessman and a born-entertainer.

My reservations however have nothing to do with his personality, but rather with his ability. I have had several chats with supporters on both sides. Just recently a family member told me repeatedly how he feels that Trump is the correct person for the job and his business acumen will ensure America’s growth. First and foremost, his business comprehension is somewhat debatable; did Trump not file bankruptcy six times?

The same has been said about the controversy around Hillary Clinton and why she is rooted in evil. I ask with all sincerity, who is a more controversial figure, Donald or Hillary? I rest my case...

Putting the controversies and “propaganda” against both characters one side. We have to ask ourselves, who is the most experienced and prepared as well as more capable of running a country? Not just any country, the United Freaking States of America!

Yes Donald might have his persuasive ways in business, yes he knows how to lead and delegate and get the job done. But a country is not a business and can’t be managed as such. Perhaps he would have been the perfect Minister of Trade and Industry or similar.

Steering a country however is a completely different ballgame. It is a job that requires three major things; diplomacy, an open-minded approach to diverse cultures and different believes and the ability to build bilateral relationships regardless of personal opinions or perceptions, these traits are imperative. Just look at how impactful Justin Trudeau’s term has been so far and how it is benefiting Canada.

Is Mr. Trump diplomatic? Hell no.

Is Mr. Trump open-minded to different cultures and believes? Uhm, most certainly not!

Does Mr. Trump have the ability to build bilateral relationships? Half the world fears him, the other half despises him, so I don’t think so.

Moving over briefly to Hillary Clinton, regardless of your perceptions, she surely has the three attributes mentioned. In fact so, it has been her modus operandi since before I was born when she co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families way back in 1977. Since then she has dedicated her entire adult life to building a better America. During her tenure as Senator of State for New York, she secured $21 billion in funding after the heinous September 11 attacks, and in her first term in the senate! The same year Donald Trump declared bankruptcy!

During the most challenging time that the USA has ever faced, one person raised money (billions) and the other mismanaged and lost (billions). Makes one wonder, who is the better person for the job, right?

Although Hillary did get more votes from American voters than Donald, it is the electoral vote that pushed him to the top. How democratic is it really if the bulk of the country votes for one person, but the “electorate” goes the other way?

Her values compared to Donald’s have been way more viable for building a better future for all.

I can go on forever-and-a-day comparing apples with apples. I have always been an open-minded and realistic person, but I base my opinions on facts and figures and NEVER on perceptions and hearsay.

It is rather annoying when I do speak to people about the elections and when I ask why they think Hillary is evil, or what exactly about Donald’s plan makes them believe in him, they have half-witted answers and don’t really know much about him besides what they’ve either heard in media or what “others” have told them. If you want to advocate for someone or something, make sure you understand exactly what you are advocating for. I come from a country where our current “honourable” leader has been nothing but a disaster, because my fellow citizens did just what the American folk did, they voted for someone with no experience, no diplomacy and most certainly no tact, but a whole lot of showmanship!

With that said however, what’s done is done. Donald is in power and may God save the minorities in America. I might be proven wrong, perhaps Donald will use his power with the majority Republican sitting and do what is needed to grow, develop and nurture his “subjects”. Perhaps America needs a bombastic theatrical to turn things around. It might do the trick. For the sake of US-citizens and the globe, let’s hope he does just that.

What I do know for certain; we are all in for a treat for the next four years, if anything, at least Donald is good for entertainment-value. Get the popcorn ready, make sure you have front-row seats; Curtain Call is 20 January 2017!


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