The Age of Piscean illusion and magicians gives way toward the golden Age of Aquarius

The Age of Piscean illusion and magicians gives way toward the golden Age of Aquarius


Exceerpt from Chapter 8 The Book of Transformation

The New Golden Age: From Indigos to UFOs and Beyond

As our solar system transitions from the Age of Pisces (illusion and religious dogma) into the Age of Aquarius (advanced, intuitive technology; humanitarianism; and exploring other star systems in space) our consciousness will be tuning into a higher frequency in a process that our creators and the great civilizations of the past—particularly the Mayans—had long foretold. The part of our DNA that codes to the spirit gene was deactivated centuries ago for fear that we would misuse the advanced psychic aspect of our nature. The “fall” of humanity into the lower dimensions of consciousness meant that we were trapped for centuries under the veil of false illusions that blocked any activating light or energy from getting through. Earth’s electromagnetic grids which were held captive by the heavy, negative fear vibrations which were mirrored back down to us as reversals and illusions. The illusions “worked” for a time because multiple sources of information were pitted against each other to cause confusion, and with confusion there can be no light, no clarity. These conflicting sources of information left the human race completely at the mercy of matter because reality was based only on what could be experienced with the five senses.

The gig is up. Due to the precession of the equinox into the constellation of Aquarius, the dormant codes within our DNA will now automatically be tuned in and turned on to the brighter light and frequency coming into the world as part of this amazing transformation. Our perception will now be guided by our internal psychic source, allowing us to see the truth that transcends all physical matter. The electromagnetic grids on our planet will also be altered and refined, which will inspire the consciousness of our planet to ascend into a higher dimension. This shift will outshine all fear. Fear will not diminish completely, but we will now be able to understand and manipulate it as a frequency instead of a fact. We can dial down the volume of this harmful frequency in the same way that we turn down our radio. The Age of Piscean illusion and magicians gives way toward the golden Age of Aquarius as we embark on a spiritual journey that awakens the true spiritual mystic in all of us. Our enslavement to the material world will finally end as we evolve and wake up to remember who we really are—spirits from one ultimate Source. This is the end of materialism as we know it.

The source of this upgrade will be the stellar frequency package of Aquarius, comprised of Alpha Aquarii (Sadalmelik), a giant star with a diameter 100 times that of the sun; Beta Aquarii (Sadalsund) , the brightest star of the constellation, shining at magnitude 2.9; and Gamma Aquarii (Sadachbia), a spectroscopic binary that shines at magnitude 3.8. Their Arabic names translate as “luck of the king”, “luck of lucks”, and “lucky star of hidden things,” respectively. These three heavenly bodies combine to create the luminosity of about 25 suns. The intensity of this light will further activate our additional strands of DNA. It may even allow scientists to identify the “spirit code” or “God gene” in our genetic make-up.

The first computers were the precursors to the lightening-fast communication we now enjoy when we surf the Web or e-mail our friends. Now, through your advanced senses you will be able to connect telepathically into the world-wide consciousness. Ultimately telepathy will replace all other means of communication. We are the new technology. This is all very Aquarian. On a related note, I wonder if the 1960s musical group The Fifth Dimension understood the synchronicity inherent in their name, or that it is the dimension associated with the Age of Aquarius., a song that they made popular.

From Separateness to Unity

Planet Earth and her inhabitants will once again experience life as it was before the “fall,” when humanity was thrust into the abyss of the lower dimensions of consciousness. The higher band of frequency coming into Earth’s atmosphere is enticing and magnetic, and will fill the world with a new energy. Once you begin to sense how you can move and flow with energy you will never again want to go backward and attach yourself to the slower, dense energy of matter. Matter will still exist, and your physical body will still function in a material world, but you will now be driven by a higher, more psychic creative consciousness. You are like a baby all over again, learning to make your way in and even manipulate this new world of energy for the very first time. You will finally see our planet as being part of a larger cosmos made up of magnetic forces, bands of frequencies, and layers of consciousness; we are all part of one amazing living organism that spans into infinity. As our awareness increases, we see that there is no separateness, because the self and the Source of self are one and the same. Once you open up and connect with nature and your environment, everything speaks and communicates to you through the telepathic frequency waves of the universe. Your transformation will allow you to experience the interconnectedness of everything.

Social and cultural changes [

This transformative upgrade will have a direct impact on how we function as a society. In keeping with the vibration and temperament of the Age of Aquarius, society will become ever more creative, technologically advanced, progressive, psychic, and unique. The transformation will open up a myriad of new jobs and careers to serve the needs of a more advanced society. You can expect a steep rise in the number of jobs in alternative health, super technology, and various psychic disciplines. This is also a climate in which creative conceptual artists and inventors will flourish. Lightworkers will be the new social workers, and humanitarian efforts will be fueled by the collective consciousness that recognizes that we are all linked into each other and the main Source, the universe.

Education will embrace more of a balance between left brain and right brain. The schooling of “special needs” children will also undergo a radical alteration, as we now know that they are telepathic and psychically attuned rather than “ADD” or “challenged.” Teachers will be dealing with students who see the answers even before they see the questions on exams; cheating will become a thing of the past. Cyber-schooling may become a trend due to the extreme sensitivity of these children. Until grounding and aura protection are fully mastered, exposure to group energy can be overwhelming for them. Schools will teach the true history of our planet, to include information about our ancient ancestors, the real galactic explorers that seeded and colonized Earth. Geography class will teach where the great civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria once were and how they are still accessible through the spirit’s ability to astrally project. Imagine school field trips to these locations via group teleportation!


The more psychic we become the more we will want to expose and break down the false structures and beliefs that have held us down for so long. The Indigos did a wonderful job of starting the process, but now we must carry forward and actively embrace the changes and challenges of our evolving consciousness. The great Ascended Masters, such as Jesus, Muhammad, John the Baptist, Buddha, St. Germaine, and Shiva, just to name a few, will all be recognized as teachers of the same universal truth of love, peace, and unity. The religious separateness that was once the cause of many wars will give way to unified spirituality as we become aware of our mutual Source. These Masters wanted us to realize that love raises our consciousness because it has the highest vibration and initiates healing on every level—physical, emotional, and spiritual. With our new consciousness we will finally be able to put aside the differences that were created out of and nurtured by fear. Just as every rose on a rose bush is slightly different but nonetheless part of the same plant, the rebirth of the world into a new golden age enables us to transcend the notion of separateness in favor of sensing the uniqueness and diversity of the one Source from which everything originates. We no longer have to operate within a system that compartmentalizes and separates everything; instead, our advanced awareness encourages us to help one another instead of always competing and comparing. Religious, racial, and cultural wars, all fueled by greed, propaganda, and fear, will serve as reminders for us to never sink back into the depths of lower consciousness.

Given that we are now fully aware of how the universe communicates to us through frequency, we will gain a new respect for the art of astrology. Once considered an esoteric art meant for the gifted few, it will become an everyday practice. Acknowledging the fact that our ancient ancestors came from one of those star systems or planets that share space with us in the vast heavens means that we will finally drop our arrogance as Earthlings.


We will also open up to the amazing benefits of vibrational medicine as the type of healthcare that is most suited to our highly attuned physio-psychic system. Integrated medicine will be a combination of scientific Western medicine and holistic treatments because we understand that disease in the body is always rooted in the frequency of the subtle body. Eventually centers for chakra system programming and balancing will be as common as hair salons. Our innate ability to heal from within will be “remembered” as we integrate vibrational medicine with the technology that was and is still being given to us by our extraterrestrial emissaries. Our views on death and dying will also be completely reconfigured because we know that frequency supersedes and ultimately transcends matter. Many holy books claim that at the time of the passing of the old Earth into a new Earth, the dead will rise from their graves. What this actually means is that because of our awareness of spirit energy, we will not experience death in the same way once we are in higher consciousness. We know that there is more to life than height, weight, and depth; the fear of facing our own mortality will be a thing of the past.

A new environmentalism

As we become more attuned to and linked into the vibrations around us, a renewed respect for the environment will emerge. We will more readily embrace the use of natural energy alternatives such as solar, wind, and even psychic energy power. This will lessen our dependence on oil, the lifeblood of our planet. Architecture will take advantage of these natural energy sources and thus will be more conducive to living in a world of higher vibrations. New homes will be built in the shape of a pyramid because pyramids collect subtle energy and transfer it easily to our own frequency. Because of their anti-aging effect, staying home will be more beneficial than going to the gym. The intensity of Alpha waves also increases inside pyramids—this will help keep residents relaxed and effortlessly alert, a great combination for staying in the Now moment. Pyramids also charge energy, so communication and transmitting telepathic messages over long distances will be easier inside these new homes. They may even boast built-in sound and color systems that will help their owners reboot their vibrational levels should they fall short. Imagine a room that is programmed to change color according to the frequency that is needed in order for you to stay physically, mentally, and psychically attuned. Think of the business opportunities that will arise for real estate developers, architects, and interior designers!


The rebirth of the world doesn’t guarantee that you will live in a Utopian society because, remember, the lower vibrations still exist. Your evolution and extrasensory advancement will merely make you more aware of these lower energies so you can better protect yourself from anyone or anything that could compromise your well-being. You will still be functioning in a physical world, and not everyone will be evolving at the same rate; some won’t evolve at all. Fortunately, our transformation will bring us into a vibration that leads to peacefulness and humanitarianism.

We will need to be governed by leaders who are in tune with the morals and ethics that support higher consciousness. The leaders of the rebirthed world will have positions that resemble diplomatic advisory positions more than actual leadership roles. Organized councils will oversee different arms of the government, instead of autocrats and power-mongers who are operating under the mistaken assumption that they alone hold omnipotent authority. This is not a One World Order as much as it is a One World Consciousness that will connect all of Earth’s inhabitants. Of course, our admission into the Galactic Society means that being vigilant about the intentions of our alien neighbors will be more of a priority.


One of the most anticipated events of the empowering shift is the opening of the stargates that will allow us to travel to other worlds. These portals were shut down after the “fall” of humanity, but upon our awakening transformation, we will once again gain access to the galactic communities that have been watching and waiting for this moment. The many scientific and technological breakthroughs and advances of the 20th century were given to us by our galactic neighbors in order to help our planet survive the empowering shift into the Aquarian Age and help socialize us into the new Galactic community. Some of our biggest advances have come from the retro-engineering of UFO technology. It will soon be possible to communicate with beings from distant star systems; wormholes into parallel universes and stargates will once again be accessible to us; and the pineal gland will become our personal stargate portal, making time travel and astral projection possible.

Portals into other dimensions, such as those that lie on the Bermuda Triangle, at the Puerta de Hayu Marca (gate of the gods), and at the location of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur, were and likely still are the doorways through which our ancient alien ancestors entered our realm. Many new portals like these will open up as we move into the Photon Belt and Age of Aquarius. This will enable us to travel to other worlds and parallel universes. Earth, once at the outer edge or “suburbs” of the Milky Way Galaxy; now it is moving ever closer to the center. We will no longer be isolated from the surrounding star systems. We will need to get ready to introduce ourselves to our Galactic neighbors.

Beyond Earth: UFO’s and Other Star Systems

The rebirth of the world and the ushering in of a new age presents a whole new Galactic landscape for us to explore. The time for earth-centered narcissism is over. We will be forced to admit once and for all that there are other intelligent beings out there in the universe who have been visiting Earth for some time and who are quite possibly living among us right now. The UFO sightings and abductions that have been occurring since time immemorial will finally make sense. The fact is that our galactic neighbors have been visiting Earth for millions of years. We already discussed the Annunaki, who manipulated the genetics of Earth’s primates and created Adam, the first human race. UFO sightings date as far back as the Rama Empire of Northern India and Pakistan, which developed approximately 15,000 years ago on the Indian sub-continent. According to ancient Indian texts, there existed flying machines called vimanas. The skies of India were once filled with UFOs. Alexander the Great encountered these UFOs as he attempted to cross the Indus River into India in 329 bc. Gleaming silver flying shields swooped down on his cavalry several times, making both his own soldiers and the enemy flee for their lives. He had another such encounter when he invaded and conquered Tyre—it would appear that the great soldier had some alien help!

And of course, there are the countless records of UFO sightings throughout history, up to and including the infamous Roswell Incident. There is still a great deal of speculation that the government has been trying to cover up these incidents. High-ranking government officials have actually been privy to knowledge of alien contact here on Earth for a long time. Supporting documents indicate that President Eisenhower himself actually met with aliens before he left office. Henry W. McElroy, Jr, a retiring state representative from New Hampshire, saw an official brief to President Eisenhower stating that there was a continuing presence of extraterrestrial beings in the United States of America. It was suggested that President Eisenhower met with such alien representatives in February of 1954. Finally, the American astronauts Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, Buzz Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong have all had sightings of extraterrestrial spacecrafts but were advised by the U.S. government not to discuss any of their experiences. Although they will never admit to this, agencies such as NASA are in the business of gathering intelligence and data relating to astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs. Is it possible that they know something we don’t?

German author Erich von D?niken was one of the first to come forward with historical proof of extraterrestrial visits to Earth. His book Chariots of the Gods reveals how various archaeological discoveries and monuments all point to visitors from space, sojourners who came to Earth as developers to build magnificent structures, cultivate gardens,and simply relish in the temperate climate that made the entire planet a virtual Garden of Eden. In Twilight of the Gods, von D?niken advises us to prepare for their return, and states that they may already be here. The author Zecharia Sitchin built on von D?niken’s work, educating the public about the alternative history of ancient humanity and the extraterrestrial influence on our planet. I went to one of his lectures in Philadelphia in 2010. The room was packed with a very intelligent audience that hardly seemed representative of the fringe element usually associated with belief in UFOs and aliens. The public is continuously looking for information on the subject of extraterrestrials and the true history of our planet. Decision makers and people in power are likely afraid of what the reaction would be if the truth came out. What they don’t realize is that we all have the opportunity to get back to that primordial Garden if we drop the fear consciousness and proceed with the higher vibrations of love.

Then again, I can think of a few places and neighborhoods on Earth that might frighten our extraterrestrial cousins. Jeffrey Seelman, an instructor at International Metaphysical University, hosts a radio show and often interviews experts on UFOs. According to Jeffrey, there seems to be a general consensus that the aliens view our planet as a violent place. Because of this they are concerned about our planet shifting closer to their star systems. Remember that we have the instincts and brutishness of our animal DNA combined with the psychic powers of our alien ancestors. This is quite a lethal combination, especially if one is not of the right consciousness. They are right to be concerned about the consciousness of our planet because we have had a very violent history, indeed. If we cannot get along with each other, how will be able to live in peace with them, a race so utterly different from our own? There is some speculation that alien abductions are really just attempts at mind control in order to neutralize our free-will consciousness and bring us through this shift without our posing any risk to the galaxy; others claim that such mind control is meant to make us passive so that aliens can more easily take control of our planet. This is one of the main reasons that our transformation into higher consciousness needs to be of the right vibration. The vibrations from love are the most refined and resilient, so we will need to stay attuned to these vibrations if we want to stay at the top of the frequency food chain. Some of these worlds that will open up to us will be thousands of years ahead of us so it’s important that we be able to ascertain whether we are in the company of beneficent beings or those of a lower vibration. Protecting and defending our own energy will be of utmost importance when we meet our galactic neighbors. Not all alien contact will be positive; there will always be a faction out there that seeks to conquer and control.

Now you can see how the psychic evolution prepares us for the empowering shift of our planet into a different realm of consciousness. Yes, the shift will also charge our planet’s chakras. There is one main chakra center on each continent and many minor ones scattered all over the world. Major Earth chakra centers, such as those at Mt.Shasta, California; Lake Titicaca, South America; Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia; Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, England; and Great Pyramid in Egypt; and Mt. Kailas, Tibet, will spin with new, vibrant energy. Earth’s ley lines, her energetic “grid,” will glow and radiate with light.

The true chronicle of our planet and our race as humans has been cloaked behind religions, myths, and primal fears for centuries, but the empowering shift and our awakening into transformed energetic beings will finally reveal the truth to us. There is no separateness, only a unity of diversity. Everything—our planet, the human race, the cosmos itself—comes from the one Creator who will finally lift the veil to the eternal life of the spirit. Indeed, “the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4). The physical world may pass away someday, but the spirit is eternal and will continue to be part of the universe. And, as it turns out, it is a very big universe, indeed.


What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.



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