Bhandair Jaswant Singh
Our Company provides guranteed result oriented consulting/advisory services in dairy foods (Specially for India))
Why no commercial/cooperative dairy plant in India is in a position to procure 100% pure raw milk strictly conforming to international quality parameters relating to purity of contents, microbiological safety and shelf life?
Why no dairy plant in India is marketing pure pasteurized cow milk, buffalo milk or mixed milk without dilution with added water and ?strictly conforming to international quality parameters relating to purity of contents, microbiological safety and shelf life of two /three weeks ( under refrigeration)
Why majority of ?milk consumers in India still prefer to purchase fresh raw mixed milk from milk vendors at prevailing market rate ( around Rs 50 to Rs 55.00/ litre ) without knowing its true net worth in terms of total milk solids and added water or presence/absence of common adulterants ?usually ?found in such milk. ??
Why unlike in western countries almost every consumer in India is boiling even branded processed milk labelled as pasteurized milk before consumption.
Why hardly any milk consumer in India knows ill effects of consuming boiled milk on the health of our heart and relative advantage of consuming pasteurized milk strictly conforming to international quality parameters without heating or boiling.
Why statutory health authorities in India are not in a position to eradicate the menace of wide spread /ever increasing adulteration in milk/dairy foods and our judicial system not awarding exemplary punishments like in China to anti-social elements indulging in milk adulteration related serious crimes and playing with the health of fellow citizens?
1.????? PROBLEM: Majority of dairy business entrepreneurs in India, even in the organised sector purchase raw mixed milk from milk producers/middlemen/milk traders but they have no instrument or technique to analyse net true worth of milk based on exact % of cow milk, buffalo milk and non-potable added water (about 20%) so they have no choice but to purchase diluted /manipulated and even adulterated milk at mutually negotiated rates. Obviously such milk cannot conform to international quality specifications.
SOLUTION: Our mission associate has developed innovative digital hydro analysis technique ?and tri-colour instrument ?(MILKO-METER)? to help ethical dairy business entrepreneurs to purchase 100% pure raw milk on commercial scale meeting with international quality parameters ( without Manipulation , Adulteration of Dilution with added water). Our NRI Mission provides free online advisory services to ethical dairy business entrepreneurs who agree with our Mission philosophy and get registered with our Mission. (Membership is free)
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2.????? PROBLEM:? Majority of dairy plants in India do not have skilled manpower and infrastructure to procure pure raw milk, process /pack (without post- pasteurization contamination), store, transport and deliver pasteurized milk to milk consumers under specified refrigerated conditions.
SOLUTION: Management of ethical dairy plants in dairy plants may contact our N.R.I. Mission and depute their chief executive/senior professional executives managing their dairy plants for participating ?in result oriented training programs being organised by our Mission associates ?for successfully procuring /processing/packing/ marketing pasteurized/sterilised milk and value added dairy foods strictly conforming to international quality ?parameters.
3.????? PROBLEM: Absolute majority of milk consumers in India have not been educated /imparted training to conduct few simple tests (syringe test, iodine test, litmus test, khoa test and paneer test etc.) to distinguish between pure/diluted/adulterated milk in their own kitchen at nominal cost and refuse to pay even a penny to milk vendors/organised sector milk suppliers who fail to deliver 100% pure milk to them.
SOLUTION: ??Our mission associate (R.I.C.S) in sector 18 Chandigarh has successfully organised informal consumer cooperative having seven household members and purchasing 100% pure milk for their own domestic consumption. ?Our Mission associate Rainbow international community services provides free online training urban consumer forums to organise such informal cooperatives in their localities.
4.????? PROBLEM: There is no check or penalty for dairy plants in India who are marketing microbiologically unsafe pasteurized ( labelled as pasteurized milk but shelf life less than two weeks under refrigeration) However dairy plants in western countries are not allowed to operate if they do not ensure supply of microbiologically safe pasteurized milk meeting international quality parameters and shelf life.
SOLUTION: Our mission associates conduct training programs provide consulting services to ethical dairy plants in India duly supported with live demonstration for procuring /processing /packing and marketing pasteurized milk conforming to international quality parameters.
Majority of milk consumers in India do not know about the ill effects of consuming boiled milk on the health of our heart and relative advantages of consuming pasteurized milk strictly conforming to international quality parameters without heating or boiling.
SOLUTION: Luis Pasteur professional scientist two centuries ago conducted very useful research and evolved process of pasteurizing raw milk to avoid agglomeration of fat, denaturing of proteins and loss of heat sensitive vitamins in milk due to excessive heating of milk at boiling temperatures. Milk in modern processing plants is heated at temperature of 72 degree Celsius for 15 seconds and immediately cooled down to temperature belowc4 degree Celsius to make it safe for our heart and good for health.
Statutory health authorities in India are not in a position to effectively perform for eradicating the menace of wide spread /ever increasing adulteration in milk/dairy foods and our judicial system due to socio-political imitations is not in a position to award speedy justice and award exemplary punishments like in China to anti-social elements indulging in milk adulteration related serious crimes and playing with the health of fellow citizens?
SOLUTION: Our Mission associate ( R.I.C.S) Rainbow international community services ( India) provides free online training to urban consumer forums for ?organising informal consumer cooperatives in their localities and also provides training to organising committee ?members for conducting few simple tests to check adulteration in milk besides creating self- sustaining ?practically feasible infrastructure for managing fair milk purchase transactions/ payment system for ensuring purchase of ?100% pure milk at globally competitive but reasonable price from reliable sources.
Mission Director
International Improvement Mission