The Age of Intimidation
We have all seen what polarization has accomplished in the United States. The Right and the Left have passionately and without reservation engaged in the most vicious and combative confrontations not seen since the '60s. The media have joined in and have jettisoned their commitment to neutral reporting. They have joined the fray and have become offended if their political stance was attacked.
It seems as though, the squeakiest wheels are determined to dominate the media and if anyone opposes their righteous quest, then those upstarts should be crushed and silenced forever. One can see, for example, the Antifa members running after Trump supporters and assaulting them with all their might. The more people doing it, the better. Then, the chances of getting hurt by those defilers of progressiveness become slimmer. Ten to one is a favored ratio in getting one's point across. After all, there is safety in numbers. Just hope that there is no Chuck Norris or Sylvester Stallone in the isolated opposition.
Opposing ideas are messy. They have the inconvenient means of deflating or creating the vulnerability of a favored moral stance. What can be even more outrageous is if the truth is introduced into the mix. Then, what was once the most delicious and palatable argument has become a vile and sickening concoction that anyone with an ounce of sense will not consume.
The mechanics of political correctness trumping opposing assertiveness is creeping into Canada like malignant cancer. One instance was the book signing by Ezra Levant in Calgary on October 15, 2019. Ezra had signed a contract with Mike Brar, the owner of the Plaza Theatre and had paid the cost with a credit card. On the day of the event, the lights were out and the doors were locked.
This had happened in Edmonton at the Princess Theatre, also owned by Mike Brar. It seemed that NDP politicians were causing an uproar and threatening Mike. He received nasty phone calls and mounting pressure by the Left for him to cancel the affair. Ezra heard of this and assured Mike that he'd get the police to protect his theatre and the patrons present. He even hired two private security guards to ensure that all was orderly. When the date arrived, the Princess Theatre's doors remained locked. Ezra was sure that there were people inside.
However, Ezra was no fool. He had a Plan B. He and the public had booked a second venue as a back-up. It was a pub where the book signing was supplemented by good food and drinks.
Now, back to Calgary. Next to the Plaza Theatre was a used book store. Ezra had offered that establishment a 40% cut from the sales of his book. His books were presold. The owner at first said yes but later backed out. More intimidation?
Ezra spoke to the crowd. There was indeed a Plan B for Calgary. He had hired a bus to transport his supporters to that final bastion of the defenders of free speech and democracy. That was the Kensignton Legion, which had built a spanking new Legion which had a contemporary pub called the 1918 Tap and Table Restaurant. Here, there was plenty of room to socialize, eat, and drink. It was enjoyable to be out of the cold and in a warm, up-to-date pub. It wasn't your ordinary Legion!
Ezra gave a short, impassioned speech, signed books, and gave opportunities for photo ops. It was a successful affair, which could've been a total fiasco, if not for the foresight and planning of Ezra Levant. Kudos to flexibility, quick-thinking, and tenacity. Deplatforming did not accomplish its objectives here!
Thomas Carl Reyes