Age of Innocence III

Age of Innocence III

I’m publishing this series on LinkedIn called Colors to explore a topic that I care deeply about: the Renaissance Mind. I am just as passionate about entrepreneurship, technology, and business, as I am about art and culture. In this series, I will typically publish a piece of art – one of my paintings – and I request you to spend a minute or two deeply meditating on it. I urge you to watch your feelings, thoughts, reactions to the piece, and write what comes to you, what thoughts it triggers, in the dialog area. Let us see what stimulation this interaction yields. For today – Age of Innocence III

Age of Innocence III | Sramana Mitra, 2021 | Watercolor, Pastel, Brush Pen | 8?x 8, On Paper

El ni?o sentado en el piso de su alcoba observa su barrilete entre la abertura de las cortinas volando con la brisa del mar...y se pregunta, a donde lo llevara?. Baja corriendo las escaleras de la antigua casa y lo contempla desde la arena. Y con voz enérgica sus palabras son: abraza a mi madre, allá, en la inmensidad.


