Age of Antithetical Conundrum
We just talk about getting blessings from the Lord and talking about all the successes you have had. What about all the suffering you been through?
We shed our blood when we use our advantage to the advantage of the disadvantaged.
Lord, if White America would have done that. This nation would have been in much better. Dr. J H Jackson, said that there are three things you can do with an advantage.
1) you can fence it in, so nobody can get to it but you.
2) you can keep your foot on people who are disadvantaged, you can just hold them down and press(oppress) them(which also means you must stay there and not advance either.) Or
3) You can do what Jesus did, you can use your advantage to advantage the disadvantaged. Now you talking about religion, that's religion. (In America they intended to leave us out)
Jesus had advantages, and we were at a disadvantage. Jesus took his advantage and used it to advantage our disadvantage. And we got out of that salvation. Thank God for Jesus. Jesus had stuff we don't have.
Jesus had chronological advantage. He was older than all of us. He had psychological advantage. He knew what was in all of us. Jesus had theological advantage. He knew God better than all of us. Thank you, Jesus.
He had moral advantage. He was without sin.
And out there on a hill, on the third day he took his advantages and used them to advantage those of us who were disadvantaged.
That's what blood shedding means. Some of us have a little advantage. A little education, little monetary, little domestic advantages. And we use it to the disadvantage of the disadvantaged. Shame on us.
Finally, we shed our blood, when we push our religion beyond mere personal concerns and take an interest in the liberation of the demonic crisis in which mankind at large is caught.
Some folks religion is just I. Me, but have you ever stopped to think that the Cross is I, crossed out? I'll say it again.
The Cross is I crossed out?
I got good news for you. If we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him. If we know the fellowship of his suffering, we shall also know the power of His resurrection. Ain't that good news? Ain't that good news? I'm going to my seat;
All I have been trying to do is to resubmit that great hymn: "Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? The poet answers.
"No, there is a cross for everyone and there is a cross for me."
Now some of you can see why we loved him, he spoke love and healing to us in our brokenness. That this too shall pass.
Black people made it in America and we did not have anything in the promise of our future, but Jesus.
And that the focus he suffered. If we are to walk in this way, then suffering is a part of this life. it appears that from the perspective of science these views make no sense in modern society.
This work is about that which is valuable to the God of the Bible. We will leave the White church to themselves as to what they value, when they marched the Christian flag into the US Capital to end American democracy. In 2024 it is possible for 45 to become 47. Their god has values other than those expressed by the Bible. They have a right to their beliefs. The hard way is for whosoever will take up his cross.
The blood of the saints.
Earlier in this work we showed another similar image of a galaxy with its black hole. Scientist know that there is a black hole at the center of every galaxy.
Consider the message Dr. Scott shared above. Now compare it to what we know about our universe. The brightest objects in the universe were created by the darkest objects in the universe black holes. The science says that the resistance to the pull of the darkness on the particles. Them trying to be pulled into the black hole and the effects of their fight against the darkness. It strips away every dark thing that seeks to dim their light or hold them from their purpose. If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with him.
People are largely unaware, that most of the universe is darkness. Dark matter. And the now growing research field of Dark energy. We know its there, just unsure of its properties. It takes effort to be a particle of light. This little light of mine.
Study this image. See the behavior of system functionality. The brightness of the Quasar comes from it not letting its light go out in darkness.
"And they had the distinction of having washed their robes in the blood of the lamb(and made them white)". Perhaps it's just me, this sounds like Quasar creation in Astrophysics. Once all the darkness is stripped away, the light is fully free now because of what it went through to get out of the hold of darkness. Amen.
a black hole is dense gravity where even light cannot escape the pull of its gravity. Singularity state.
Dr. Scott told us that the salvation equation has two sides. That history is both a Divine and a human project. 1+1=2.
There is a beauty in serving a living God of love. Shalom.
We are to remember that interest curved in on self leads to a black hole of endless selfishness who's energy runs out of the energy given to it. Dr Scott said, Saints have redemptive energy, that is new every morning. Amen