And again will be a day: The sun in the morning's sky is for you and everyone
Angela Cucuietu ??
CANADA TODAY NEWS | BRIGHT PEOPLE MEDIA | Specialty in Communications, Business Admin. & Human Resources Management
So, wake up; Here is always Hope.
These two phrases I learned and got an easy understanding at the time of my youngest age. I agree with you, it sounds like simple life wisdom. But, with the all-consuming nature of communications work in law enforcement (government org.), and TV media which are my international work experience along with the Bright People Media Strategic, Resumes Career Insider, and social media work which are about my Canada-home work experience, I can recognize, I rarely used to speak about myself. I rarely used to tell about my personality, as in the first line, often the most important is to do my work well and excellently.
Our world desperately needs 'Good News'. We all want to hear it.
"This world needs more than good works. It needs good news. Good works come out of the good news'', ( Mark Driscoll). We live in uncertain times such as COVID-19, which pushes us, the society, and governments to re-examine many business and life things, it pushes us to tell the world our stories, to tell about our values, it asks us who we are; as well as, what and whom we stand for. The pandemic unveiled many pains and showed us the issues our humanity has to care more about and even save.
But to empower ourselves as leaders and empower others, we have to begin with improving ourselves inside our homes, inside the organization where he or she works, inside an institution she or he studies. We have to start with creating and organizing better life and businesses in the city and country to which we as citizens belong and represent.
And for this special reason, I am going to express my human appreciation and gratitude to our Canadian Government, to the workers in essential service such as doctors, nurses, police officers, paramedics, and pharmacists and our Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for well organizing and saving our country, for taking necessary measures and efforts in protecting lives and health of Canadian population. The appeal ''Stay at home and Enough is Enough'', was well heard in every province of Canada. And today, we can see Canada's government's timely positive actions and good attention to reopening steps in rebuilding the economy.
Find here my little reflection on my life, career, and for what I stand for.
Simple life wisdom is easy to listen to and learn; however, it isn't easy to live by it always...
I believe that when we find the courage to tell the stories that live in our hearts, it can change the world. It is not a secret to anyone - our lives are about learning, moving, adjusting, changing, and adapting to the change, and here is 'My Story'.
I and my family moved to Canada in the 2000s, and due to this life fact, I in my 40-s became again a student and graduated in Business Administration and Human Resources Management at Algonquin College, Ottawa. Algonquin became my second home for all three years of my education. Today it is a history, but I have to say from the Algonquin, I got my great learning experience, knowledge, and business work skills. To develop and continue with my career path and Canadian work experience, I came to the decision to become Communications, Public Relations, and Career Management Specialist.
For this special reason, I founded Bright People Media Strategic and Resumes Career Insider in 2014. I let the world know about it via social media LinkedIn, via my journalistic work in my professional network. Today, I am grateful, for my international work experience accomplished working in law enforcement and on a central TV with a 'Good Morning' project, in the capital city of the Republic of Moldova, because I can use and benefit from my previous work experiences now in my current works in Canada.
(On this pic.: I, my family, friends, and some people from our big community. To be more precise, it is my second day in Canada, many things were unusual, but we laughed, played soccer, and took pictures that day. The first boy in the second row left is my son, he was in his 14-s at that time, now he is older and is stronger. Here my hair is blond, now I prefer my natural colour, but I got the experience.)
But why the pic above is here? And what it tells you? Probably, about LinkedIn and how all began...
Public relations and communications career, same as other jobs and careers, requires we network, connect, communicate, and meet new people and professionals in different industries. My first 3 years on LinkedIn were about building my network (not without the mistakes) and publishing articles relative to different topics, which at that time were of the reading interest to many professionals in my network.
It is a normal life thing that we often look for professional development in our careers and a positive change in our lives. And this is a very normal wish and the reason why so many professionals look for 'business communications' that speak well to them. If you are a LinkedIn member and you are looking for a job, create your research and find out what business or an organization speaks well to you, what is an industry where you would like to work in, and what knowledge and skills it requires. If you look for a change in your career, LinkedIn is a great virtual place where you can find and get more clarity and answers to your career's relative questions.
I found business communications that 'speaks well to me'
These were my thoughts in 2015. I found Richard Branson's blog post, and that year was my first experience learning about sir Richard Branson and Virgin's organization. My first impression about sir Richard was - ' He is a real traveller Marko Palo of the 21 century ', he is a famous leader, and he is a business builder in the transportation industry. I started to read morning blog posts on LinkedIn, and to learn about the Virgins' people and family. My 2015 year was all about my journalistic work, my professional views, and ideas that I used to share and communicate on social media LinkedIn. I wrote and published articles about sir Richard, about climate change; as well as, about other staff and topics too.
However, only when I took a short break from my communications, I could see that many other journalists and writers also used to write about Richard Branson. I could see how his quotations and sayings became popular and not only on social media LinkedIn. And at that very moment, beginning of 2016, I used to ask myself, ''What do I want to do next''? My thoughts were about I needed to change something for myself, and maybe even leave all that I did in 2015 on LinkedIn. However, it didn't happen. Why? To be more precise, asked me to stay and continue my communications work. So, I continued with it in 2016, 17, 18, 19, and 20 during the COVID-19 crisis.
How much you learned, how great your knowledge is, and how well you know 'that something' it is not always the answer to all the new life, work moments and experiences which we may encounter.
It works like a rule - after one big life learning, there is one more learning, one more new work and life experience. It is an ongoing process. Can you learn and accept that some leadership work is about 1+ 1 = 3? I learned about it and understood this math equation only last year (in 2019) here on LinkedIn. How? - Via bringing news and representations in my professional comments about sir Richard Branson and from a blog post. This is just a little part of the story.
Did I know about this leadership's math equation when I started? No, I did not. I wasn't informed about how it works. All that I could understand was - sir Richard Branson is working with his editors and admins. Who are people under the red brand? I didn't know, they didn't reveal a thing about them but they were virtually beside me always. However only, in the year, 2020, I get to know a little bit more about people management as they have become well-known members on LinkedIn.
With the professional reflection on my work, I would like to say: Working in public relations and communications requires working and performing with a 'good and great team'. However, teamwork performance isn't first and always only about wins and great achievements. First, it is about people's interpersonal relationships, about trust and support, about the performance in a great partnership that looks like a 'great dance' in simultaneously understanding when all is going ideal. I wrote these words once in one of my articles: 'Here are people who make you happy, and there are people who make you cry.''
And when there is a time to choose...How to choose correctly only One from Three?
Wait, perhaps, he or she - the employer has to tell you about why you want to choose them? About the good reason if it is truly good for you and if it exists? They don't hide.
To avoid misunderstandings, and conflicts at work are not always a possibility. They happen, and we know, they bring pain to many employees in the workplace. I also experienced it the same as you. Therefore, my advice - when you are looking for a job, learn well and more about the people and management with whom you are going to work and learn more about the organizational culture. Why? Because you need to have confidence not only in yourself but in your co-worker, in your team, and in your work/business partner if you want to succeed and not fail with your project and work.
Therefore, choose wisely and work with 'that one or with those whom you know are honest with you. Choose for the one who stays with you not only in the happy and stars life moments, but choose to work with management, a co-worker, and that 'One' who will help and will support you if there happens a difficult situation, time and you need some help. Choose to work with the one who is right for you.
Open the link to learn more about my point.
To conclude here is a question: Due to this all written above, did I become rich or famous? Not. I became only who I am. However, some people can mislead because of their needs.
And looking ahead in the future, in my career, I would like to use my social media communications to send an important message about the need for adaptability to change and spread it around the globe with your kind help and support.
Adaptability to change is a life and career skill that can help us to survive in the current storm of COVID-19. In a world where change is happening at a pace faster than ever before, and even there is a crisis that affects us all, we all need to be willing, able, and even excited about the change. You and I must remember, that we cannot enter this 'new world' with negative thoughts, behaviours and hearts because the world humanity doesn't allow and does not accept the negative influence anymore.
Take a look at the 'new world' it puts a strong stop to criminalization, racism, human discrimination, modern slavery, injustice, and misconduct in the workplace. And the world stands up for human rights, women's and minority rights. Just watch what is going on these days in the US, and how that all also reflects in Canada and around the globe. #Black Lives Matter, but my message is about more -- not only about the 'privileged', or someone's skin colour because we have to stop discriminating again and again. I am a woman, and I am going to bring this to your attention:
My message is also about social media, LinkedIn which has to be a safe workplace for every human being, to women and men...
and to everyone professional who wants and needs to be here. The men who are on social media, LinkedIn, stalkers of women with the aim of different illegal actions, and unscrupulous, criminal interests, you have to know that your actions are seen and heard by the real law enforcement professionals, good listeners and watchers. You will be stopped. I and many other positive and proactive citizens are here to help and bring positive change in our humanity, to support and to make this new world a better place for living and for we can leave behind in the past that 'wrong and old world'.
LinkedIn management and well respected Jeff Weiner, please, pay more attention to these big issues and bring change on social media -- this place has to be a safe workplace. Women are targeted here by men; however, many women simply do not understand and here are many facts regarding this issue.
How to tell better about the public relations and communications profession? Maybe by watching a story?
It was surprising to me to find and watch, in the first month of the pandemic quarantine COVID-19 an interesting movie. From the movie, I got the idea for the article's title. It made me cry for a few days. Why? Because it is about a career change from sports figure skating to a journalistic career. Because it is about friendship and people like you and me, about their personal and interpersonal relationships at work and at home, about what they value in life. And because of the answer, what is most important in life. And why, do we, people complicate simple life things and our happiness. It is a pearl of great and deep life wisdom.
CANADA TODAY NEWS | BRIGHT PEOPLE MEDIA | Specialty in Communications, Business Admin. & Human Resources Management
4 年#GovernmentRelations -- #StrategicCommunication -- #COVID-19 -- #StopRacism -#BlackLivesMatter #StopDiscrimination&Hate -#CareerManagementt -- #MyStory -- #PublicRelations -- #safeSocialMedia -- #EmploymentLaws -- #workexperience -- #leadership -- #organizationalculture -- #teamwork -- #positivechange -- #LinkedIn