After your undergraduate degree...
Chathurie Nupearachchi
Physicist with good vibes while acting multiple roles as a lecturer, researcher, education consultant, STEM activist, writer and speaker
As I have advised many students of OUSL and other universities, my first tip is to plan your educational path with a help of a mentor/s from the very beginning of your undergraduate degree programme. Because you need to have a clear understanding about the subjects that you wish to do in your future academic years. While you progress in your first year, you should find your favourite subject out of the three combinations in OUSL. In my case, it was Physics. Then you must decide that whether you wish to do a general or a special degree. That is up to you to decide according to your financial status, situation of the job, personal issues and time management.
Then according to the prevailing conditions, you can decide about doing the other two degrees once you mature with time. In the meantime, build a good support system for yourself which can consist of your family members, relatives, friends, teachers, lecturers etc. Because they are literally shaping your personality in the long run. While doing all these things you should be able to find the passion of your life effortlessly and find/create/do a job that will match to it.
As a student who did both of the post graduate and doctorate from OUSL, I really respect the flexibility in education that OUSL provides with self-directed learning methods. Even the kind and supportive academic staff of OUSL is always there to guide you in your academic journey.
Personally, I have transformed into an explorative learner while being an independent thinker in problem solving issues thanks to the education system of OUSL. But it may not be true for everybody as each individual is a unique person. Anyway, I feel that you should try to focus for a better version every day by improving yourself with knowledge, attitude and skills while adapting to the advanced technology in the new normal lifestyle.
Life is about physical and psychological balance. Dear student, if you walk with your legs, you can reach your destination in education (This is what the majority of students does always). But if you walk with your brain, you can reach your destiny in education (very few get here like Rancho in Three Idiots Hindi film). I hope you can figure out the difference very well.
So, find your passion and do experiments with your income generating method/s while living happily by enjoying every minute of the life you have got!