After Reading This, Your Writing Will Be At Least 0.9% More Persuasive
Sourav Das
SEO & Content Strategist | AI-Driven Marketing Innovator | Building Growth with Purpose
To your readers, your writing is you. Is it deceitful, forceful, clumsy, crisp or soggy?
When thinking about Persuasive writing, we have something like this in mind.
It's nothing like that.
There is not even a 3 step process to write better.
Let's start:
1. Write down what you want the readers to do.
2. List the three most important things the reader needs to understand to take that action.
3.Starting writing.
4.When you’re done, read.
Ask yourself if you would take action based on what is written if you were the reader.
Re-work, if you are not satisfied.
Readers who don’t know you judge you from the clues in your writing. If you wish to sound authentic, build substance. Comes with experience.
For starters, not using any AI tool (to do your final piece) will set you apart.
Your writing reveals how your mind works. How you structure your own thought process is unique.
Pick a spot. Concentrate your energies on 1 major piece of writing project or speech that will make a difference.
Better writing comes with building your process. Compounding comes with putting in regular focused effort.
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