After the Hangover (anti-Semites are well and truly, off the wagon)

After the Hangover (anti-Semites are well and truly, off the wagon)

It is hard to fathom how the greatest and most brutal slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, on October 7th, triggered a level of antisemitism not seen since the second world war.

One could have expected that after seeing Jews raped, mutilated, burnt alive, tortured, massacred and kidnapped, the world would condemn the massacre and support Israel’s right to defend itself. It should be obvious that Israel must be able to protect its citizens from a genocidal death cult, committed to the eradication of the Jewish State, and the genocide of the Jewish people.

Sadly, that has not been the case, indeed quite the opposite... and that got me thinking.???

We’re all familiar, at least all of us who drink, or have at one time, drunk alcohol (if you don’t drink then consider yourselves lucky), with the consequences of excess. The embarrassing shit you got up to, some of which you can’t even remember. That which you do remember makes you wince, conjures up feelings of guilt, regret, even disgust.

Ending the night with your head in the toilet bowl, a friend holding back your hair, stomach retching, as there is nothing left to vomit. The blinding headaches, where the dimmest stream of light feels like staring directly at the sun. The slightest noise is amplified to the extent where you lose all sense of balance. The incapacitation of the morning after, the feeling that you just want to die, and the solemn vow of never again. “I will never touch another drop.” Such is the hangover, and you mean it at the time, at least until the next time.?? ?

Hair of the dog…

But it seems to me, Europe and the Western world is finally getting over its hangover. Let me explain…

A little under 80 years ago, hundreds, nay thousands of years of vituperative Jew hatred culminated in the industrialised slaughter of millions of innocents, in an attempt to finally rid the world of its Jews. The Holocaust was an irrational, hate fuelled, drunken frenzy, an anti-Semitic binge, which left Europe with the mother of all hangovers, not to mention 6 million less Jews.

Perhaps not surprisingly, this hangover was so severe, leaving Europeans so sick, so incapacitated, and so guilt ridden, it couldn’t help but lead to a vow of “no more”.?The long-standing persecution of the Jews and irrational Jew hatred, not to mention Jew killing, had driven Europe to such medieval madness and unprecedented evil, even anti-Semites were sickened by the excesses. It simply had to end.?Such behaviour would no longer be tolerated, well at least not openly.?

The Big Sleep

For decades, racked with guilt and a sense of shame, not to mention a splitting headache, terrible stomach cramps and never-ending nausea, Europe chose abstinence. It would forgo the oldest hatred and all that went with it, and learn to live with its Jews, at least those that were left.?It was even driven to support the long yearned for and historically legitimate, establishment of an independent state for the Jews, in their historical homeland.

Although on the surface things appeared to have changed, in reality, the irrational loathing of, and obsession with the “Christ killers”, the “communists”, the “capitalists”, the “usurers”, the “war mongers”, those who “use the blood of Christian children to make their matzos”, the “Cabal”, i.e. the Jews; never really went away.?Sure, the hangover and its symptoms remained, preventing overt Jew baiting, as well as openly anti-Semitic speech and behaviour. But, as they say, “antisemitism is a light sleeper.”

The Jews of Britain (where I was born), for instance, still had to set up their own golf clubs, and even a whole football league, as Jews continued to be barred from a raft of social and sporting clubs, facilities and institutions purely due to their being Jewish.?In the US, country clubs would refuse membership to Jews. Exclusive neighbourhoods would establish “gentlemen’s agreements”, “no Jews, no coloureds”. The situation was no better in Europe, with discrimination throughout the continent, albeit latent and whispered, as anti-Semitism simmered under the surface for decades.

Ten years ago, 60,000 marching in Warsaw called for a “Jew free” Poland. Ironic really, when you think that at the time, there were around 8000 Jews living in Poland, as opposed to around 3 million before WW2, most of whom died in the Holocaust.

In Holland, according to public prosecutors, calling Israeli children “Zionist terrorists in training” and “future child murderers and occupiers” does not constitute incitement to hate.? I wonder if similar comments about Muslim children would be received in a similar vein.

The West prefers its Jews as victims, or compliant

It bokes at the thought of strong independent Jews with the ability to defend themselves.??Most never expected Israel to survive its war of independence. Indeed, many hoped it would not, and even worked to that end. In 1948 some 37 British officers and 25 NCOs led the Jordanian Legion against the fledgling Jewish state.

British airmen flew air support for the Egyptian army. There is one instance, where a Jewish, ex RAF pilot, flying in an ex-Luftwaffe Messerschmidt, then part of the new Israeli air force, oh the irony; shot down two Egyptian Spitfires. He was flabbergasted when requested to interview one of the downed pilots, as it turned out that the prisoner was an English RAF pilot.?

The Jews prevailed, but there were more wars to come. Then came Israel’s overwhelming victory in the 1967 six-day war. Israel finally succeeded in vanquishing its enemies, firmly establishing its security and ensuring its survival. How dare they? The Arabs continued to make war. They may have changed in character and in the nature of the enemy, but the enemy’s goal has always remained the same, to eradicate the Jewish State and kill Jews.

The creation of a Palestinian national identity in 1964 with the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organisation provided anti-Semites with a new cause, and a vehicle with which to attack Jews, or in this case the Jewish State.? Interestingly Palestinian national identity was created by Russia with an Egyptian at its head. Yes, Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo and there more than ample documented evidence of the conspiracy. Although no matter, this enabled the world’s anti-Semites to mobilise in support of the Palestinian nation and what has been come to be known as “The Nakba”, the catastrophe.

A Socially Acceptable Form of Antisemitism

Conveniently, for the anti-Semites, newly recovered from their decade’s long hangover, that “shitty little country”, as Israel was infamously referred to by a European diplomat, at a dinner party for the “great and the good”, became a convenient vehicle through which to openly voice anti-Semitic opinion in the guise of anti-Zionism, perfectly acceptable across the full spectrum of political ideology. It just happens that these days it's particularly popular among so called progressives and the extreme left, a refreshing, albeit temporary change from the extreme right. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

Using Israel as its proverbial punch bag, and Zionism as a substitute for Judaism, the so-called progressives have entered an unholy alliance with radical Islam. Could there be stranger or more ill suited bedfellows? United by their common cause, hatred of Jews, they have created a new and even more toxic form of antisemitism, now lauded and celebrated across polite society.

Europe, and indeed the whole western world, is up for another round of Jew hatred, where simmering has risen to boiling point. Just as happened with the Jews in Europe throughout history culminating in the horrors of the 20th century, in the 21st century, it is Israel that is to be demonised, delegitimised and condemned as the symbol of all that is evil in the world.? Thus antisemitism, has become not only socially acceptable once more, but positively chic.

Off the wagon…

So, the hangover is finally over. The West is very much “off the wagon”. What hangover? Oh, how easily we forget. The West has shed any pretence or need to hide its true nature, when it comes to Jews. The fusion of traditional European antisemitism with Islamic Jew hatred has fashioned a cocktail so intoxicating and so powerful, Europe and the western world just can’t resist. It only took 80 years or so. Jews are once again public enemy number one, and it’s open season.

Hard to believe, or is it? Jews are once again being attacked and even murdered on the streets of Europe, and America. Jews are being intimidated and victimised at their places of worship, in their neighbourhoods, and on the streets. Places of learning who pride themselves on inclusion, acceptance, and “safe spaces” for all, are anything but.

Anti-Semitic rhetoric, incitement and harassment are everywhere. And it’s not just their fellow students. Faculty members, professors and administrators are encouraging and often eager participants. Jews are being denied access, or even physically removed from the finest academic institutions. Old conspiracy theories are dressed up anew and circulated widely.

Jewish students are under constant threat, whether connected to Israel or not. Of course the "good Jews", those prepared to throw Israel and their Jewish brothers and sisters under the proverbial bus, those who tart every sentence with "as a Jew", are more than welcome as useful idiots who provide a fig leaf of respectability to the anti-Semites.

Anti-Israel demonstrations throughout the West, feature terrorist flags and symbols, along with chants in support of Hamas and Hezbollah, both vehemently anti-Semitic and dedicated to the slaughter of Jews, “wherever they may be”.? Questioning and promoting denial of the October 7th massacre is all the rage. Holocaust denial is peddled as legitimate historical debate.?The State of Israel is demonised and delegitimised.?The very existence of the Jewish state is brought into question and the erroneous comparison of Israel/Jews with Nazis is today commonplace.?

Jews is news

In the recent UK elections, the war in Gaza was top of the agenda. Single issue candidates and even parties are not uncommon, but this is the first time where a foreign conflict has taken centre stage. Not Iraq, Afghanistan Syria, Sudan, Libya, all of which were far more brutal and caused many more casualties, none of them inspired UK candidates to stand on a single “humanitarian” issue.

No Muslim candidates felt compelled to stand with their Muslim brothers and sisters, as they were slaughtered in their hundreds of thousands. Why is that? Could it possibly be the fact they were being massacred by their fellow Muslims, and not by Jews? ?Could it be that the newfound zeal to stand up for the poor Palestinians and support for terror, sorry, “resistance”, is not driven by concern for the terrible plight of ordinary Gazans, (and under Hamas it is terrible indeed), rather it is all about Jew hatred.

The brutal massacre of Jews in Israel by Palestinian terrorists and the war in Gaza simply provide an irresistible opportunity to have a go at the Jews, sorry the Jewish State. It is an opportunity not to be missed. The added dimension of Islamic antisemitism in the European mix is creating a monster mix, so powerful, and so potent that eighty years on the streets are once again full of “ordinary people”, out on an anti-Semitic “bender”, being led a merry dance into the hate filled abyss.

The elation, in this case, the sanctimonious virtue signalling and overwhelming feeling of moral superiority they feel, as absurdly, they immerse themselves in vile hate speech, bigotry, not to mention hypocrisy, and the support of the most brutal terrorists the world has to offer, will only lead to another hangover. Many are so drunk, or perhaps just ignorant (not an excuse), but so desperate to be part of something "meaningful", anything, they are oblivious to the irony, as they binge on the Kool-Aid.

The question is, how much can they stomach? As we know all too well, antisemitism never stops at the Jews. It is the “canary in the coalmine”. It’s a barometer, an inverse indicator of the health of wider society.?And when antisemitism rises to these heady heights, society is heading for a terrible fall. ?


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