There are a few places in Oklahoma which can make you forget you are still in the Sooner State. One such place is the Great Salt Plains State Park and National Wildlife Refuge near Jet, OK. Miles and miles of white salt plains mixed with brown outcrops of selenite, a crystal form of gypsum. What makes these crystals unique is they have a hour glass visibly seen inside of each crystal.

One of the underground causes of this phenomenon is the abundant presence of iodine. Yes, iodine, which we need daily to keep our brain, thyroids and metabolic functions hitting on the front burner. Most of us get our daily requirement of iodine through drinking milk or eating seafood or if you are a salt shaker junkie.

Oklahoma is the third leading producer in the world for iodine. That’s right in the world. Chile is the world leading producer followed by Japan then the State of Oklahoma. The primary source of Oklahoma’s iodine production is from the “Woodward Trench,” which roughly encompasses the northwest quadrant of the state from Enid to Woodward.

Cyrus worked in a factory on an iodine extraction line near Vici, OK. He was a big, awkward, homespun kind of man. He dressed oddly with ill-fitting clothes. There were several fellow workers who thought it was sport to make fun of him.

.Archie was a big and witty guy who was always cracking jokes and playing pranks, some with a intent of meanness. Teddy Ray was a follower and always went along with Archie. Cyrus was a few years older, always quiet but a hard worker which made him a favorite target for Archie and Teddy Ray’s pranks.

Cyrus always ate his lunch by himself. He never entered into the lunch break games of horseshoes, dominoes or gin rummy with the other workers. Cyrus was always sitting quietly under a tree in his own world. He wore the same patched jeans for a couple straight years which escalated the jokes and pranks from Archie.

Cyrus might find a live frog in his sack lunch or a dead spider in his hardhat. Despite being the target of these pranks, Cyrus always took them in good humor.

During the paid week off the company gave as a Christmas bonus, Archie and Teddy Ray announced they were going to go wild hog hunting and promised if they killed any they would divide up the meat among all of the ten workers on their shift.

Some of the workers ran into Teddy Ray and learned they had killed several hogs, netting over five hundred pounds of cleaned meat to split up. Teddy Ray, never could keep a secret and also told Archie had the butcher save all of the hog’s ears and hoofs which he had wrapped up especially for Cyrus. He went on about how hilarious it will be when Cyrus opens his package.

Two days after Christmas, Archie distributed the meat packages during the lunch break. Each worker got a nice package with over 40 pounds of meat and thanked Archie. The biggest package of all he saved until last. It was for Cyrus. Teddy Ray was all but bursting; and Archie had a smirked sneer.

Like always, Cyrus sat by himself; he was on the far side of the big table. Archie pushed the package over to where he could reach it; as everyone sat and watched.

Cyrus was never one to say much. In three years he'd never said more than a hundred words. So everyone was astounded when Cyrus took the package and rose slowly to his feet. He smiled broadly at Archie and it was then everyone noticed that Cyrus’ eyes were watering. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down for a moment and then he got control of himself.

Looking directly at Archie, Cyrus in a quivering voice stated; “I knew you wouldn't forget me,” he said gratefully, “I knew you'd not leave me out! You're big and playful, but I knew all along that you had a good heart.”

Cyrus swallowed again, and then looked at everyone saying; “I know I haven't seemed too chummy with you men; but I never meant to be rude. You see, I've got nine kids at home and a wife that's an invalid who has been bedridden now for four years. She ain't ever going to get any better. And sometimes when she's real bad off, I have to sit up all night to take care of her. And most of my wages have had to go for doctors and medicine.

The kids do all they can to help out, but at times it's been hard to keep food in their mouths. Maybe you think it's funny that I go off by myself to eat my lunch. Well, I guess I've been a little ashamed, because I don't always have anything between my sandwich. Like today, there's only a raw turnip in my lunch sack. But I want you to know that this meat really means a lot to me. Maybe more than to anybody here because tonight my kids,” as he wiped the tears from his eyes, “tonight my kids will have a really good meal.”

Cyrus tugged at the string wrapped around a package of inedible hog hoofs and ears. Everyone had been watching Cyrus so intently they hadn't paid much notice to Archie and Teddy Ray as they both had tried to take the package back. But they were too late, Cyrus had broken the wrapper and was already surveying his present. He examined each hoof, each ear, and then he held up the stub tail. It wiggled limply. It should have been so funny, but nobody laughed, nobody at all.

But the hardest part was when Cyrus looked up and said; “Thank you” while trying to smile. Silently, each man moved forward carrying their own package and quietly placed it in front of Cyrus for they had suddenly realized how little their own gift package of meat had really meant to them, until now.

Cyrus didn't need to say any more; but it was heartwarming to know that each man gave their forty pounds of meat to Cyrus and as they ate their lunch that day, they shared that too with Cyrus.

So here we are, two days after Christmas. Are you still buzzing with the excitement of Christmas? Or, do you feel like you’ve had your bell rung? Are you a little run down, tired of the festivities? Ready for this new year to get started so we can just get vaccinated and hopefully get on with our normal lives again? Dreading going back to work? It’s known as the “after Christmas” blues, the “Ho Ho Hums.”

No doubt we are not the only ones who have suffered from the “Ho Ho Hums.” Consider the characters of the nativity after Christmas? The Wisemen have a six month jaunt back home. The Shepherds, after this amazing event went back to being Shepherds. Went back to their lives of being hated, despised, outcast and unwanted. How about Mary and Joseph? They are on the lam with baby Jesus because an angel warned them to flee. (Matthew 2:13-23)

God has just given the world a miracle in the form of a Savior and one would think everyone would still be rejoicing, dancing, ringing bells and partying. Yet, like the Wisemen, Shepherds and the chosen family, we are on the run or look like the cheese that fell off the cracker.

Church bells have long called communities to the worship of God.We have been given a great gift and it is time to celebrate, time to ring bells, time to worship our God for all he has done. We should all be more like bells… calling people, through our actions and our words, to the worship of God. It is hard to miss and ignore the sound of church bells ringing across a town or city, so also should our love of God be hard to miss and hard to ignore. We should all be more like bells… calling people, through our actions and our words, to the worship of God.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus, the greatest gift ever given or received. Convict us to repent, rejoice and renew every day in Your gift of a Savior. Admonish us we need to “Ring Them Bells” everyday to help those in need and tell the lost about Jesus. Elicit us to share Your love, forgiveness, mercy, grace and miracles everyday and not just at Christmas!


Randy Green ICMA-CM的更多文章



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