After ‘the chequered year’, international tourism aims high in 2017
It was eight years ago, International tourism had the worst performance in its recent history touching the rock bottom in terms of tourist arrivals, as it was suffering from the economic recession that spread across the world. The 2008–2009 global economic crisis has severely impacted on international tourism, causing a decline of 4% in international tourist arrivals. Once it got over, for the last seven years, tourism has been registering consistent growth. Last year too was no different, yet it could not touch the anticipated growth rate of 4%. Growth rate was 4 percent or above since 2010 till 2015. In the recent history, 2016 was the most troubled year with devastating terrorism incidents, political crises, and with the menaces of communicable diseases. Yet, though the sector suffered much, it had shown the resilience to record a decent growth.
According to the UNWTO, international tourist arrivals recorded a growth rate of 3.9%, to reach a total of 1,235 million. Compared to 2015, around 46 million more tourists (overnight visitors) travelled internationally last year (UNWTO World Tourism Barometer/ PR 17003). This is the seventh consecutive year of sustained growth following the 2009 global economic and financial crisis. So far the New Year is calmer and a better growth rate is expected this year with record arrival (international) figures crossing 1.25 billion.
In fact, Europe, the cradle of tourism, was the most affected region due to the terrorism incidents. France, the number one tourist destination in the world was shattered by the recurring terrorism incidents. France went through the toughest stint in its tourism history. Paris, the most romantic city of the globe, was shocked when the terrorists struck twice in 2015 with heavy bomb blasts that killed many, and that continued in 2016 too. Last year, the flooding river Seine also troubled tourism. Brexit fallout really sparked off impacts on tourism sector in Europe, particularly in the UK. Outbound tourism from the UK suffered much, and on the other hand inbound tourism, particularly into England was awesome. For the British, the holidays got more expensive, whereas inbound tourism became cheaper for the outsiders due to the decline in Pound rates. The threat of terrorism was there in other countries as well. Belgium and Germany too had to face such menaces. France got a relief when Euro Cup football was held which spurred the inflow of tourists. The results were obvious in Europe, as Southern Mediterranean Europe arrivals grew by just 1%, while Western Europe could not register any growth. Overall in Europe, international arrivals reached 620 million in 2016, with a meager growth rate of 2%.
Among the world regions, Asia and the Pacific have the highest percentage. There were some issues in some of the Asian countries as well. For example, Thailand tourism, one of the leading destinations in Asia, was in disarray after the bombings in southern Thailand’s prime tourist locations that killed four people and wounded dozens of others. It was on 11th August, a string of explosions and arson attacks rattled popular beach resort areas including Hua Hin, where the Thai royal family has a residence. Yet, Asian region could record remarkable growth rate in tourist arrivals. As 24 million more international tourist arrivals in 2016 to total 303 million, it could register a growth of 8%. Growth was strong in all four sub regions, with Oceania receiving 10% more arrivals, South Asia 9% more and North-East Asia and South-East Asia both 8% more.
The beginning of 2016 was marred with the threat of the spread of mosquito-borne virus. Tourism industry, particularly in Brazil and Mexico got grappled with the problem of Zika fever. Later, the virus threat spread to Europe and South America as well. Yet, the Olympics could spur the growth of tourism in Brazil, particularly. International tourist arrivals in the Americas increased by 8 million to reach 201 million, marking a growth of 4%. As per UNWTO, the growth was stronger in South America and Central America with 6%, while the Caribbean and North America recorded around 4% more arrivals.
The Middle East had the toughest time. Egypt, one of the earliest tourist destinations in the world, has been having a bad patch of time. Back to back issues cause so much of trouble for tourism in Egypt. The unfortunate political and terrorist incidents are really troubling the economy and tourism. The crash of an EgyptAir jet was also a blow to Egypt’s beleaguered tourism industry. Many of the Middle East countries faced severe terrorist incidents. Tourism industry in Jordan faced a sharp downturn as an aftermath of 18th December terrorist incident when some gunmen killed seven Jordanian police officers, two Jordanian civilians and a female Canadian tourist in a series of ambushes, including at a Crusader castle popular with tourists. At least 34 people, including two foreign nationals, were wounded in the day’s violence. Tourism in Turkey, Tunisia, Libya and Syria are dampened due to politico-terrorist issues. Due to such issues, the Middle East has shown a decline in tourist arrivals. As per the available data, that region received 54 million international tourist arrivals in 2016, which points to a decline of an estimated 4%. Africa too had issues, but they didn’t affect the growth of African tourism. For instance, Ethiopia faced a political and social unrest, which mars tourism for a period. Last year, after a gap of two years, Africa has recorded growth of 8%, adding 4 million arrivals to reach 58 million.
2017 began with a fresh scope in tourism as this year the number of international tourist arrivals may cross one and a quarter billion for the first time in the history of tourism. Political crisis and terrorism constitute a major determinant in the success of tourism now. If any major issues of such do not happen, then the tourism sector can register incredible growth this year.