After 150 years: ICEs
Engine EcoPhils, Inc.
We offer an immediate "bridge solution" to vehicle pollution that is 500 times more effective than buying an EV.
Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) have had ~150 years~ to progress and look at where they are now...
Being pushed out of the market by a mere 120 year old upstart in the market -- Electric Vehicles.
Because they pollute might be a good reason. After 150 years, manufacturers still do not get ICEs to run without polluting.
Have you ever thought about why there are so many anti-pollution devices attached to the exhaust of ICEs (which tend to wear out and not work in time)?
The reason is simple -- because modern engines ~DO NOT BURN~ all of the fuel injected into them. Catalytic converters for example, are exhaust system devices with their sole purpose being to burn unburned fuel coming out of the engine.
Have you ever been behind motorcycles when they are running and smelled gasoline? This should be impossible since gasoline when burnt CANNOT SMELL LIKE GASOLINE.
Have you seen black soot from diesels? This is also no more than unburned fuel.
150 years and ICEs still pollute -- but what is the accepted solution?
EVs -- which cost ~USD12,500 per tCO2~ reduction that they create, are still based on oil and still emit excessive carbon in the manufacturing and distribution processes.
Some can afford this ultra high expense as an emission reduction plan, but most of the people on planet Earth cannot.
What can be done?
We make fuel burn.
And we are government-verified to do so.
Do you need to reduce fuel consumption / emissions? Call us!
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