Africa Global Lift and Escalator Expo 2021 has been moved to October 2022
Good day
After discussions with most of our Africa and International GLE August 19 participants and lift industry in general, due to the direct impact of COVID 19 on the economy and industry, we have been advised to move the Africa Global Lift and Escalator Expo from July 2021 out to October 2022.
We are in the process of securing space at the Sandton Convention Centre and the exact dates will be shared shortly.
In order to have begun budgeting and saving for a bigger and more grand African Event, we would by now, have started to sign up participants and delegates for the EXPO, which is supported by DEL, DPW, DID, DTI, LEA, Tourism SA, SAPOA and a number of other industry stakeholders.
Virgo Communications and Exhibition have also concluded a partnership with AFAG (Interlift organisers) for the next Interlift Expo in Europe 2021 (dates will be shared in the November 2020 edition of ELEVATEafrica).
We also urge you all to begin some sort of advertising or participate with an article and share industry information - we will assist you with writing your contribution - in the e-mag to propel your businesses to greater heights for the benefit of the economy (the e-mag is gaining tremendous traction of globally with readership in excess of 16,000 pages views per edition).
Please feel free to set up an appointment to discuss taking you and your company to the next level of personal and business growth respectively, as you prepare to build your legacy and support in alleviating the unemployment situation in South Africa through growth of each of your organisations.
Regards to ALL and stay safe by wearing your masks, sanitising and keeping a safe distance to reduce the spread of the virus.
Segren Reddy
MD Virgo Communications & Exhibitions SA
Tel: +27 (0)81 275 2823
Email: [email protected]