Africa is the Future
Every successful business in the world started as an idea from someone head. Businesses from Apple to Google, from Exxon Mobil to Coca Cola , from Alibaba to Dangote. All these successful multinational businesses started from somebody's head as an idea and some of these people were no smarter than you.
They had fewer resources than you.
They had little or no capital at all.
Steve Jobs once said “When you grow up you tend to get told the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money.
That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is — everything around you that you call life, was made up by people who were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.â€
I have always loved that quote mainly because it supported this question about life, ideas and innovations that I have always had…what the fuck is normal anyway? I have witnessed normal people from my village Sumbawanga- Tanzania charging Cell phones using bicycles.
Some of the greatest empires were born out of smallest ideas from normal people like you and me.
People like Jack Ma, what is so special about him?
Born to a traditional musician storyteller parents on October 15 1964, Jack Ma was the second child in the family. JACK and his two siblings, an elder brother and a younger sister had a modest upbringing. During their childhood, communism was at its peak in the country and citezens had little or no contact with the Western world. His education was not all smooth sailing, jack failed in his primary school examinations two times before he got it right. Continuing to middle school, he failed graduating exams three times before going through. This was not the end of his failures in the education system. After high school when applying for universities, he flopped the entrance exams thrice. He wanted to join Harvard University, but he got rejected 10 times. Eventually, in his third attempt, he joined hands on Normal University, he graduated with a Bachelor in English. After graduating from college, he applied to 30 different jobs and was subsequently rejected by all of them, even applied to be a police officer. But they didn't even give him the time of the day rejecting him with three simple words saying that “you are no goodâ€
Frustrated with the lack of solid employment opportunities. After graduating in the early 1990s. JACK relied on his English to teach at the local university he had attended a few years ago. Later, he started a translation service business. Upon his first visit to the United States in the 1995 as a translator, Jack got introduced to the internet. He was totally shocked after he looked up beer from various countries and learned that there was none from China on the World Wide Web. The country of about a billion people. JACK immediately saw the potential business opportunities of the internet and how it could facilitate the way Small and Medium Chinese enterprises could do business with the rest of the world. Then, he and his friends decided to launch a website about China and Chinese products online, known as China page that listed Chinese businesses and their products. But then the same day, they began to receive emails from people around the world, requesting them to partner with their company. That experience taught Jack about the incredible power of connectivity, especially how the internet can greatly impact the global trade essentially for small medium enterprises. Due to lack of funding, Jack had to shut down this business. He later took up a government job for a short period at the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation in the latter half of 1990s. He also built important connections with influential people that would later impact Jack's life and business venture, one of whom was the founding member of Yahoo Jerry Yang, later in 1999. After leaving the government job, Jack took a second bite at the internet based business ventures by grouping 18 people, including himself and his wife, and sold them a dream to found Alibaba with a goal of facilitating international trade for small and medium ventures based in China. In the early stages of Alibaba. JACK tried to raise funds from the Silicon Valley, which is a tech hub in the United States, but he was met with denials and his business model was criticized to be unprofitable and unsustainable by many during that time. However, not the one to get bogged down easily. JACK continued his efforts to raise funds, and eventually Jack was successful in getting Goldman sachs and SoftBank to invest 5 million and $20 billion in Alibaba respectively. As boom period came to an end in the year 2000, Alibaba faced serious challenges due to its aggressive expansion into international markets. JACK ma successfully reorganized company's operations, including closing many international branches and focusing on strengthening Alibaba his position in the Chinese market. Then after Jack expanded the services of Alibaba at re engaged its international expansion strategy. After Jack and Alibaba reorganized their operations and made their mark by driving eBay out of China. Few years later in business, Jack succeeded in getting Yahoo to invest a sizable $1 billion for a 40% stake in Alibaba in 2005.
Later in 2014, and what turned out to be the largest IPO in the world till today, Jack and his team successfully raised in excess of $25 billion for Alibaba by listing it in the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. That made Alibaba 10 years old e commerce company that has its origins outside of the US as one of the world's largest companies, as measured by its market capitalization. That was approximately $200 billion. Even after achieving such a humongous success, Jack feels that there's still a long way to go ahead. JACK and his team are turning Alibaba holding group into a massive conglomerate by acquiring many smaller companies from technology related to logistics and VR. Well, Jack ma is one of the world's greatest living examples of normal people who made it big in life.
He was once a poor lad who survived by guiding tourists, Jack left no stone unturned to rise above his humble condition and achieve success.
At the moment Alibaba Group is worth over $200 billion and is fast on its way to dominate the international ecommerce market.
What is so special about Jack?
He is just normal guy and English teacher. What China was 20 years ago is no different from Africa today. Where can we get normal people from Africa to innovate Africa like how Jack Ma did in China?
Africa needs African solutions for African problems. Africa is crying, “Where can I get someone from Africa who can come up with new ideas, new goods and services that are going to solve African problemsâ€
For how long will we keep depending and waiting for someone from west to come and solve our own problems?
Are we not tired?
We need to understand African context better to come up with ideas that can solve African problems.
We need to study Africa to have a competitive advantage over other people that are not from Africa. We must not expect that Africans understands African context just because they live in Africa or just because they grew up in Africa. It's not automatic that just because you've been sitting on the chair, therefore you understand that chair.
If you have never learned about African knowledge. You don't have African knowledge. You are just in Africa. If you don’t act now to study more about your continent, be warned that people from other part of the world will come and study about you and your continent and use you to make them rich.