Africa, Enough is Enough. Wake UP.
Oladele Dosunmu
Passionate about seeing the Alkebulan of my dream emerge. I am unapologetically African. We are building the Emerging Alkebulan. Titles don't matter. Disrupting the status quo. Thought provoker. Pan African to the core.
Africa needs to unite as a continent and as a people. Our battle to re-establish ourselves is fierce. We are not only fighting against external forces but we are fighting against the seed or discord, divisions and the disunity that has been sown by our oppressors over the years. It's about time we pull together as a people to eradicate the oppression that has held us captive for so long. In unity we can defeat anything that comes our way. The bible says: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
For some reason the external forces still want to continue to oppress Africa. What does that tell you? It means we have something they don't have and they will stop at nothing to get what they want by all means necessary. They don't want to acquire things from us at the true market value because that will put us at an advantage that they don't want us to have.
Fellow Africans, don't you think its about time we put our pettiness aside, there is more that unites us than what divides us. Research has shown in our history over the years the calculated and well orchestrated plans they have used to get us here. The battle is not over and they are finding new ways to carry this on.
What are we doing to counter these threats as a people? We fight ourselves, disenfranchise our people and oppress ourselves because of greed and selfishness. So our people are not only oppressed externally, but in bondage from their own brothers and sisters. What a double dose pain. Africa is rich yet so poor, that's simply because we have compromised ourselves and our people because of greed. The oppressors know our weakness and they've used it to conquer and divide us and this still goes on today. Must we continue like this? The more I see the angry I get, I keep asking myself, are we cursed? Is the scales ever going to come off our eyes?
There is no help from the outside that's going to help us fix Africa, Whatever is purported to be given to us in aid or help is a doubled edged sword because what they take back in return is more than whats given. I have finally come to the conclusion that we have a generational iniquity that needs to be broken. The only way we can break this is to unite in love for one another as a race. Love conquers all, our motivation should be to see our people enjoy the basic amenities that the people from the western world take for granted. We need to empower ourselves and use the resources we have to build ourselves up to become the giant of the world we're meant to be. In the words of PLO Lumumba, "It's about time we stop Africa from being on the dinner table being eaten by the western powers". Lets take back what's ours.
Finally the bible says: 'Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand! All your enemies will fall beneath your sword.' Leviticus 26:8. In unity we can conquer our oppressors. Africa, Enough is Enough. We need to wake up.