Africa Energy Indaba - 2018
I was lucky enough to attend the Energy Indaba this year. My specialty has always been mining but my interest in all technical fields has opened up this industry to me and I would love to share a bit of what I learnt with you!
I was first struck by the fact that 50% of our continent (600 million people in total) DO NOT have access to electricity.
Sello Hatang (CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation & a Tutu Fellow) shared with us his story of growing up in the North West where he had to use a candle the whole of his schooling life. This after democracy was established in South Africa.
Jonathan Njerere (Hivos International) a Zimbabwean I met working in Malawi - talked to me about how; of the 18 million people living in Malawi only 9% have access to energy. Most are too poor to buy candles or gas and so when there is no light, no homework or reading can get done.
Energy is something we take for granted in big cities and established countries. Africa has the resources to power itself with coal, dams, solar and wind energy being available to us.
What was encouraging and fascinating to learn was that there is currently a project underway to connect Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya (ZTK project - being undertaken by NEPAD) which will mean that if each country has a surplus of energy they can supply their interconnected neighbor.
There are a few other projects underway and a dream to interconnect the entire African continent. A fantastic and very noble vision!
We met a number of people and look forward to seeing anyone attending the Indaba next year.
Hopefully I will see you at the Mining Indaba 2019 as well!