BE NOT AFRAID.....Part 2
Linda "Lyn" Weller
Successful relationship builder and event planner for the work comp industry/published author and pastoral life coach
These three words are mentioned 365 times in the Bible, do you think that was intentional? 365 times for 365 days there is no such thing as a coincidence even with our Gospel authors.
I was thinking about our veterans who looked evil and danger in the eye and with the greatest conviction defeated the enemy and ultimately the war they were involved in. They showed great courage and strength, while experiencing the ultimate sacrifice. They continued on against a known and at times unknown enemy. Their example has taught me, in this time of turmoil, to follow orders, protect myself from the enemy as best I can, to be vigilant, to find strength, courage and patience with the comforting words of family and friends. It is my responsibility as it was theirs to protect those I care about and sacrifice when necessary to achieve the greater good.
Dare yourself to believe that we will successfully defeat this enemy and we will win this war. Because of our sacrifices now, we can look forward to what lies ahead in the future. We will learn from this experience and be better people because of it. The heroes of the past have taught us well and now they watch over the heroes that fight and overcome every day in our communities, in our medical care and all those who respond without giving a thought to their own safety.
You are your family's hero, you will overcome this challenge, ask for strength, comfort and courage because those gifts never run out and boy do we need them now, so keep asking every day and BE NOT AFRAID.