Be afraid, but do it anyway.

Be afraid, but do it anyway.

I had a personal and leadership revelation today. It actually HIT me with force.

Now for those who know me, I am not known as a timid person. In fact, I like to be the person that jumps in.

Yet, over the last couple months, I have been house bound while overcoming an injury. That means I have been forced to spend more time with myself, and my thoughts. Today, was a day that started like any other, and then it happened. An AHA moment, or Wholly Macaroni moment, whatever you want to call it. I will just call it a humbling and personal awareness lightening strike.

It was about "fear". Where we all let fear into our lives. How it actually impacts us daily, even when we don't expect it. It impacts us in even the smallest decisions.. through to the largest decisions we may make in our lives.

Think about it.

When is the last time you tried something new. I mean really new. It could even be as simple as "really" trying a new food.

Did you try it? I mean really give it a shot.. instead of just taste it off the end of the spoon.

What stopped you? The "fear" of not liking it? , what if you did like it? You would never know, if you didn't try right?

Simple thought I know.

As individuals we often wait to do something. We wait and wait and wait. We wait until we can say " I am not afraid" or "Now I am comfortable" before we do something.

What is the point then.. is there still any impact if you are "comfortable'?

There has been things in my life as I look back on, I know I have put off doing, because I have been afraid for whatever reason. I know there have been things I have missed out on, relationships, promotions, and even some adventures that I have not actioned because of fear. Yet during the time,I did not recognize it as fear. I masked it.

I would not admit I was afraid! NO WAY!, there is to much pride and ego attached to not being afraid. So, in a highly professional and diplomatic manner I rationalized outcomes, barriers,and even painted evidenced based pictures on why I should not do something. Man, I could make it sound so good to myself.

I know we all have.So what was this revelation.

Well here it is, I was watching a YOUtube video, and this brilliant woman who is a preacher, was talking about fear.., and she said.. fear will always be present.. so why not do things "afraid".

WHAT.. really go a head and just embrace that fear.. allow myself to tremble, sweat and maybe even cry... but embrace it, be afraid.. but do it anyway.

It is not a new concept... but it is more than the buzz words of push your limits, take a step outside your comfort zone. These motivational ideals.. say JUST do it, but they do not identify that there is "real" fear, and fear needs to be acknowledged. 

It must have been her messaging, it resonated with the simple step of giving yourself permission to say I am afraid, and I have "fear", but I am going to Do it anyway!

It is like denying a thief their quarry. Fear, can deny you everything... but only if you let it.

FEAR exists, it is of our own creation, so do not let it rob you as a person, or as a leader from living, experiencing and growing.

SO, be afraid,.. but Do it anyway.


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