AFI Monthly Update: July 2023
Australian Farm Institute
An independent institute leading farm policy discussions for Australian agriculture.
Essay Competition: Government’s role in Aus Ag
The AFI’s annual John Ralph Essay Competition aims to directly engage the ag stakeholder community in debate on policy issues impacting the Australian farm sector. You don't have to be a scholar to enter - everyone with an informed view is eligible! The 2023 topic is:
What degree of government intervention is required to future-proof Australian food and agriculture?
In Australia the degree, type and level of government intervention in agriculture – and its subsequent capacity to help or hinder farmers – is a topic of ongoing debate. What kind of support strengthens, and what kind weakens? Where is the tipping point?
Entries in both scholarly and opinion categories are due in less than ONE MONTH (28 August). Winners receive up to $3000 along with a year’s AFI membership, attendance at the October Roundtable and publication in the Farm Policy Journal.
2023 Roundtable: Beyond $100 billion
Agriculture is not short of ambitious, well-constructed plans and strategies, many of which have been significant influencers of investment in Australian agriculture. But do they make sense as a collective? Is the whole more than the sum of the parts???
Join us on Tuesday 17 October in Canberra (or online) to hear from experts and participate in roundtable workshops as we discuss Beyond $100 billion: Connecting Australia's Agri-Food Strategies.
Attendance for this landmark event is strictly limited - don’t miss out! Register now to secure the early bird 10% discount (ends Monday 14 August).
**AFI Members receive additional discounts – contact Kylie Smith for more information.
ESG Goals & Target Setting
The AFI would like to again thank the speakers, sponsors and attendees who made the July Conference such a success. After a much-needed break, the team is busy uploading recordings, presentations and other conference collateral and will email registrants when these are available.
Want more access to AFI content? Become a member or upgrade your existing benefits: check out the range of packages from just $33/year available here.