Afghan Debacle

No, Biden is not responsible for the debacle in Afghanistan. US has no commitment to keep pouring dollars and lives to police a corrupt and inept dictatorship. A dictatorship which lined it's pockets and distanced everyone that mattered.

Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah when contesting the presidential elections, had 2 different platforms. Abdullah was pro-India and Pro-west. Ghani was pro-Pakistan.

I remember as a kid, reading about the Taliban offensive against the Mujahideen. How they had huge components of Paki armed services personnel embedded within their ranks. With Hekmatyar blitzing his own motherland with a missile barrage to become the Prime minister, with Mujaheddin commanders using the cities as their personal brothels to abduct young boys and women, there was little support for them.

I also remember the hanging of Najibullah, the communist puppet.

Karzai was a total shit head. Ghani acted like a potentate. With nearly 200,000 Afghan National army (ANA), advanced US and NATO weapons and tactics, they can't stop the Paki army - Taliban?

The ANA is surrendering without a fight. Mazar e Sharif is being defended by the Northern Alliance warlords because they know the Shia Hazaras, who make the bulk of their forces, will be beheaded by the Sunni Deoband Taliban.

Could Ghani have used his time to unite the country? His VP Amrullah Saleh is highly capable. But no, being in Kabul under white protection meant he thought of himself as an Emir and the right to rule as God Given.

Now the very Pakistanis Ghani championed, will hang him like Najibullah.

There is no solution to the Afghan problem in Afghanistan. The USSR failed, the USA failed. China is up next. ROFL!!

Fixing the problem in Afghanistan requires:

1) Busting the Taliban Heroin trade routes, the nexus of which is in Pakistan and Qatar.

2) Bomb the mines and stop the Taliban selling minerals to the Chinese through Pakistan.

3) Arm the Baloch and Marri tribes in Balochistan and foment the Baloch insurgency. The Sindh insurgency. Let the BRI - CPEC come to a halt. Let the Chinese money lenders break the Pakis.

4) FFS add Pakistan to the FATF black list already!!! Deny IMF bailouts. Yes they have nuclear weapons. And the main concern is if the state fails, the nukes will proliferate. (This is thanks to Nixon who wouldn't allow the Israelis and Indians to bomb Kahuta in the 70's when there was still a chance to stop the Islamic bomb!) But if the Paki govt fails, then the nukes can be retrieved / eliminated with Russian, Chinese, Indian, Israeli and US joint operations. NO ONE wants nukes in the hands of Jihadis. A failure and balkanization of the Paki state works out great after a few months of uncertainty.

Pakistan is an unholy entity, which has absolutely zero historical or ethno-cultural prerogatives to stay together. It was put together by the Trump of yesteryear - Jinnah.

Jinnah, a pork eating, whiskey drinking, sexually promiscuous megalomaniac embraced religion to reach his dreams of power, just like Trump - a thoroughly corrupt, thieving, grifting, whore mongering, pandemic encouraging demagogue embraced evangelical Christanity to reach power and to try to hold on to it. And both have absolutely NO CONCERN about the lives of the people they are supposed to represent.

Make new Bangladesh'es out of Balochistan, Sindh and Pakhtunistan. And Balochistan has the potential to be the next Kurdistan. A light of hope in a dismal, religious, dark, rancid shit hole.

But will that happen? Russia is content with the US being bled dry by the Pakis. India is too chicken. If it didn't help the Maldives against that crazy president who wanted to sell his country to China. If India didn't help Nepal from Oli or Sri Lanka from Rajpaksha - both of who are happy building up their swiss bank and panama accounts by selling their nation to the Chinese, then India will definitely not intervene in Afghanistan or Balochistan. EU is a joke. At least the Indians stand up to China, and keep Xi the murderous Pooh away from it's own borders. EU does not even do that. And the US is just sick of this part of the world.

So what does the future hold?

Definitely more darkness for the people of Afghanistan.

There is one other way. Instigate the Taliban against Pakistan. TTP (Tehrik a Taliban Pakistan) hates the Punjabis. And with Afghan Taliban in power, if the Pakhtun majority TTP can be encouraged to go after the Punjabi Paki state and it's Punjabi terror outfits - LeT and JeM, then it will kill 2 birds with one stone. But for that, Qatar has to be brought to heel. Jordan and the house of Saud have to help. Complicated, but not impossible.

Kill a few top Taliban commanders who are opposed to Pakistan, let loose the anti Paki firebrands in the Taliban. Factionalize the taliban, and let the anti Paki faction win. And for that Indian, Russian spy agencies have to be collaborated with. Drone will NEVER replace boots on the ground. Killing Solemani didn't cripple the Revolutionary guards. There is always a crazier chosen of the God's to pick up the mantle.

After this, float the idea of a unified Pakhtunistan, under taliban rule of course. Foment unrest and create incidents to spark confrontations. Keep in mind, the main problem here is not the taliban, but the Paki army and ISI. Solving the Afghan problem lies in breaking the source of the infection - Pakistan.

You can break your guns with killing the talib soldiers, but it is the will to fight that has to be defeated in the enemy. Only then comes true victory.

For now, unless there is a US intervention, Ghani will hang!


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