Affordable operator models with EOD Technologies

Affordable operator models with EOD Technologies

EOD-Technologies Poland Sp.z.o.o ( has developed several standardized operator models in cooperation with several national and international financing partners, which we would like to briefly introduce here.

On the basis of our own and third-party feasibility studies, EOD-Technologies works with the customer and his team to develop the most economically logical and ecologically sensible variant based on the individual requirements and framework conditions.

Economically, customers are particularly interested in the following key data:

  • The respective payback period of an investment can vary widely. Depending on the type, structure and financing of a project as well as the local framework conditions and the respective system design (e.g. a pure photovoltaic system, a pure wind energy system, a geothermal system or just a hybrid solution), amortization periods between 3 and 12 years.
  • The electricity generation costs for a pure PV system are currently between € 0.03 and € 0.09 per kWh in Europe, depending on the selected operating model (e.g. with a full feed-in or with an external grid connection).
  • In the case of hybrid systems, the respective proportion of the energy generated is decisive (sun, wind, geothermal energy, biogas etc.) - on average, the costs are currently between EUR 0.05 and EUR 0.13 per kWh.
  • In order to achieve optimal approximations here, we use the latest planning aids:
  • We plan and construct our units from EOD-Technologies with special software tools such as PLANRADAR, HOTTGENROTH, K2-Systems, SOLAREDGE or ECOROTE. We have the opportunity to access detailed climate databases worldwide to include the relevant data in our planning.
  • In addition, we use the latest drone technology for correct measurement.

In practice, we differentiate between the following operator models:

A.) Feed-in model via an energy supply contract

  • EOD-Technologies plans and builds the plant on behalf of an investor
  • This system is then operated by the investor
  • The system yield is completely fed into the network of a regional network operator
  • This model is secured by a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between the investor and the network operator
  • 100% of the proceeds go to the investor of the plant

  • B.) Own coverage model
  • EOD-Technologies plans and builds the plant on behalf of the future owner
  • The owner of the system thus covers the energy requirements that he himself needs
  • Any overproductions that are not required or saved can be given to a regional network operator or energy supplier
  • 100% of the proceeds go to the owner of the plant

  • C.) Infrastructure support model
  • Together with various financing partners, we offer systems based on BOT models (build-operate-transfer)
  • EOD-Technologies plans and builds the plant on behalf of the future municipal owner
  • The financing partners and the municipal owner finance and operate the plant and supply contractually bound customers
  • After a predetermined operating period, the system is then transferred to the customer who has already been contractually bound
  • The customer enters into an energy supply contract (PPA) with the operator and pays a contractually agreed price for each kWh purchased until the transfer of ownership
  • The operator pays off the system to the financing partner

  • D.) Off-grid systems for independent energy supplies
  • EOD-Technologies plans and builds the plant on behalf of the future independent energy supplier
  • Areas with little or no network density can be supplied with energy by self-sufficient, hybrid systems from EOD-Technologies
  • An operator acts as an independent energy supplier (as a so-called "Independent Power Producer / IPP"
  • The basis of the cooperation between the customer and the operator is an energy supply contract (PPA)
  • BOT designs as infrastructure promotion models are also conceivable in the area of off-grid systems

We offer individual, tailor-made solutions for our various EOD operator models in cooperation with European financing and leasing partners.

In addition we can our parent company, the Dutch Intraco Holding B.V. (, in cooperation with two investment companies also integrate in the accompanying financing management of plants up to a single project volume of up to approx. € 30.0 million.

(* Please note that we only make our options available within the scope of project planning with EOD systems or operator models and that we do not broker, offer or sell financing outside of our own customer base.)

EOD – Technologies Poland Sp.z o.o – PL - 58-500 Jelenia Góra

Kontakt: [email protected]


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