Affordable Housing and Educational Success
PHA in partnership with University of Richmond, HousingForward Virginia, The Commonwealth Institute, VCU, HOME and the RVA Eviction Lab hosted Reading Between the Lines on October 3rd to unveil the Virginia Zoning Atlas and discuss the connection between affordable housing and educational success.? The legacy of zoning ordinances and school segregation across localities in the region created racial inequities that kept many non-whites from obtaining housing and homeownership.?Policy changes to zoning and land-use allowing for more affordable housing development can greatly impact the academic success of students affected by decisions many years ago. ?
PHA’s policy committee works with localities across the region to develop equitable solutions to affordable housing.? The lack of affordable housing connects to all social determinants of health outcomes for the region’s low-income citizens and is the greatest challenge faced by localities today.? Read more about the event here.? View our 2024 policy agenda here and learn how you can become involved.