Is affordability affordable ?

The problem of affordable homes is not a simple linear equation. It is a multi-variable polynomial. Solution set to which lies in cr acking bottlenecks at multiple levels, regulation, taxation, government mindset, cooperation among tenants, dispute settlements among co-owners, engineering design etc. Hope, we as a nation we can work towards Sabka Saath, Sabka Makaan.

Affordable housing remains the most popular hashtag for any conference or talk show on real estate. While discussions on Affordable housing do get large eye-balls but success on ground is still not in sight. The problem is much more complex than what policy makers, developers or consultants thought it to be. It needs to be analyzed through a multi-dimensional lens.

1. Structural gap in Demand-Supply pattern

There is no dispute on the fundamental belief that at lower prices there is a huge unfulfilled demand for homes in India. So in order to build low-cost homes, developers started projects in outskirts of cities where land is cheaper. But what got missed out is the fact that the demand for affordable homes is evenly distributed across cities and also across geographies within a city. So by building homes in Panvel one cannot address the demand for affordable homes in Goregaon or in Ghatkopar or in Parel. The evenly distributed demand for affordable homes is not shifting to specific locations in outskirts. The demand for affordable homes is near work places, near schools, near the entire eco-system and not just in the outskirts.

Since developers required pre-sales to fund their affordable homes projects, they started marketing projects to investors. Addressing the needs of this new customer-base meant developers had to plan for continuously rising prices during the project execution. Investors were interested only if the prices continued to rise. This rise works against the fundamental axiom, which says at that lower prices there exists a huge untapped demand.

Effectively, we have a situation where demand is distributed evenly and the supply is concentrated. Commodity sector addressed this problem through mass production with huge capacities at a single location, resulting in extremely low cost of production. Through efficient distribution mechanism, the final product was delivered to customers across geographies at a very affordable price. Unfortunately, such a technical innovation is nowhere in sight as far as mass housing is concerned.

2. Revenue and Taxation Issues

Historically, in India, governments have relied heavily on land-based taxes. Reasons being:

* Taxing land has meant taxing the rich (property has typically been perceived to be owned by zamindars and other rich people)

* Low cost of collection (large taxes could be collected through a few transactions)

* Easy traceability of land transactions (other trades could easily hide transactions)

Things have now changed considerably. Majority home buyers are from middle/lower classes so land based taxes hurt them the most. Technology has now enabled efficient tax collection even from micro-transactions. Larger Digital Transactions means lesser scope for unreported transactions.

A new homes sale means 25-30% of the sale value goes in government coffers (GST, stamp duty, development charges, municipal premiums, stamp duty on land etc.). The highest taxed consumption in India is luxury goods segment which is taxed at 28%. Affordable homes are not possible with luxury taxes. Govt needs to re-think its reliance on land-based taxes.

3. Land related problems

Expensive land is the most commonly attributed reason for unaffordable homes. But what makes land expensive is not commonly discussed.

With three crore cases pending, insufficient judicial capacity is definitely a big cause for scarcity of clear title lands but besides that there are human issues too. Majority of land parcels in prime urban locations are locked in indecision or disputes among joint families, tenants, semi-legal occupants etc. A single co-owner can veto sale transaction of such properties. This power ensures a large bargaining power to co-owners who refuse to cooperate. Further, since the last person to accept the deal enjoys the highest bargaining power, the incentive to initiate dispute settlement is minimal. As a result, few properties in prime areas have clear title, leading to high land prices.

Government lands or lands of defaulters with banks have to be sold only through public auction at market prices (which by definition are high and unaffordable). Can homes be, therefore, affordable ?

4. Regulatory Concerns

Strict environmental regulation and stringency with respect to development control rules are necessary. While it is true that such rigor is necessary to control developers’ greed, however, beyond a point, regulation rigor also works towards increasing the costs. A line has to drawn somewhere. As a nation, we have to decide, do we continue towards tougher regulatory regime or work towards more affordable homes. A tough choice in a democratic framework but we need to make it.

Thanks to ET


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