The Affirmation of the Open Internet Rules in the US and its Potential Impact on Net Neutrality in the Region
Kala Anandarajah, BBM
*Partner, Head, Competition & Antitrust and Trade, Rajah & Tann Asia *Non-Government Adviser, ICN *Senior Accredited Director, SID *Board Member, Health Science Authority *Director, IHRP
The need for net neutrality and maintaining an open Internet has been a hotly contested issue of late, with the most recent development being the landmark ruling of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit on 14 June 2016 in favour of net neutrality. This update will examine the US ruling and discuss its implications for the future, along with the possible impact in the region. Written by Kala Anandarajah, Tanya Tang and Koo Chieh Yao.