AfCFTA Scoop Issue 21

AfCFTA Scoop Issue 21

Hot Topic: A year ago, Igire Coffee, a women-led business based in Rwanda dispatched their first products destined for Ghana under the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative (GTI). The company was one of the first to trade under the transitional initiative designed to facilitate and accelerate trading among select countries that met the minimum requirements to start trading under the AfCFTA. The GTI has enabled several products to be exchanged across Africa, creating opportunities for SMEs, youth and women, and addressing some of the challenges and barriers that hinder intra-African trade. While it is not a permanent solution, it is a milestone in the journey towards achieving the vision of the AfCFTA: to create one African market.

In this week's scoop- a video, an article and a magazine.?

Watch: The London School of Economics explores why African trade is under performing.

Read: Teniola Tayo's article making a case for the AfCFTA serving as an avenue for addressing inequalities in Africa.?

Download: Issue 36 of the East African Community's magazine positing the AfCFTA as the world’s most youth and women-friendly trade agreement

Till Next Week,

DevDispatch Team



