Aerospace:  Q-Drive’s Versatility as a Multi-Use Mobile Gas Compressor

Aerospace: Q-Drive’s Versatility as a Multi-Use Mobile Gas Compressor

High volume gas compression has traditionally been driven by either hydraulic power or electric motors driving mechanical mechanisms.?Each holds a unique ability to achieve the pressures desired by customers, but despite the differences, most have one thing in common:?stationary placement.?Given the nature of the equipment, it often involves careful planning to place the compressors in areas of facilities which are most optimal to the end user.?There might be noise restrictions, space restrictions, running long lengths of shop air piping, etc. which have to be considered when making the decision on where to put the unit.?What if you could break free from those restrictions, while at the same time, provide your facility with mobile compression redundancy??With capital budgets pushed to their limits, it seems that having a system that can be moved from place to place might be an ideal solution.?Is there such a technology?

At Haskel, we think we have that answer for you:?The servo-electric Q-Drive.

The engineers at Haskel have constructed the Q-Drive as a “turnkey” system that can be used anywhere, anytime.?All of the input/outputs are all found on the bottom back of the unit, with the three phase twist-lock power adaptor on the side.?It also has convenient forklift mounts on the bottom for fast transport. It can be moved from place to place with ease, and set up in a matter of minutes.

Let’s run through a scenario:?You are just about to start a vital test, and in order to start that test you need to have your high pressure helium storage full and ready to go.?While offloading gaseous helium tube trailers into your high pressure storage, your stationary compression system malfunctions.?This failure could set you back for days as you look to repair and get that system back online.?This could also cause a chain reaction as each subsequent test down the road gets delayed.?Well, if you had a Q-Drive as your facility’s redundant compression system, your problem would be immediately alleviated.?You could take the Q-Drive from wherever it’s housed, transport it over, hook up the power and the input/outputs, and get back to compressing.

The Q-Drive is also versatile enough to allow you to use it to compress helium in the morning in one building, then have the system spend the afternoon in another building compressing nitrogen.?Its programmability and remote monitoring capabilities give you pinpoint information so you know when the Q-Drive has finished its job and is ready for the next one.

Want to go further??It’s possible with Q-Drive.?It’s rugged enough that you can mount it on a flatbed and use it as a backup compressor for multiple facilities.?This is currently being done at an aerospace facility on the East Coast.?It will be providing backup for several of their locations and will become an important tool should any number of stationary compression sites fail.?The Q-Drive will be housed in a trailer-mounted shipping container along with other equipment, and be able to be dispatched wherever it is needed.

The Q-Drive is another innovative example of why the world trusts Haskel to handle high pressure. To learn more about how this ground-breaking technology can help you reach your operational goals, contact us today.?


