Aeroplane mode...
Gourab Banerjee
Top Voice 2.0 | Employee Relations | Start-Ups | Talent Acquisition/Management
Is there a dimension to limit..the so called limit has referred usually to Sky.
So,is there a way to touch that abstract...fortunately yes;there's one automated way to reach that height i.e. nonetheless but via Aeroplane.Like obviously what's the context of all these the context is none the other but reaching the ecstasy of immensity.
In the hyperactive age of connectivity have you ever wondered why we're so bothered rather why we're not focussed the highly ambitious curves within our mind why all the way leads us to the epidemic of frustration & being hopeless.
Well,a real life instance where a just to escape and being yourself you need to create some space in your calendar;though no being could be as superstitious than being a escapist of his/her own existence.Isn't we all are running away from that hyperloop of being ourselves moreover we're masking ourself day in day out to deliver the best masked self of ours.
And,that's where the context of "Airplane Mode" becomes so evident;though I don't expect a many of us might be using this epic feature but personally as I used last weekend I must say it offered me an experience never before.To attain something which you never had you must attempt something you never did.
While in the race we often forget the true adobe which's not the materialistic belongings but the peace of mind.While,we're in the valentine month let's revive the dead cells let us pour all of it into it and rejuvenate the inner being the finest resource doesn't heed in the costliest stuff around;neither we can be possessed by the fascinating titles in anyways.
A happy human is the most thrilling and rewarding title one can have nonetheless.It's your turn to put the aeroplane mode on and spread wings to touch the sky.
Let's re-define the categorization hereby as the sky isn't the limit but its where the limit begins.
Cheers,to a lovely week ahead.
With Deepest Gratitude,