Generally speaking the world is not and will never be the same again and 2024 will not be a turning point from that fact. Entrepreneurs, investors, institutions both public and private as well as the everyday people all have one thing in common today and that is to brace up for the new world as all indications point towards a faster paced global societies and faster-paced global economies in 2024.
Certainly 2024 hit the ground running having recorded from the very first month significant events within the political scene, world economy, finance and of course the entertainment scene. It was such a comic relief and a good dose of reality check on some celebrities' misdemeanours by the American renowned comedian Katt Williams. We had secretly wished most of his assertions were not true but sadly they were. At the political scene, Former US President Donald Trump is putting in a good fight for a deserved/undeserved comeback into the world’s most powerful office amidst an already overblown Russia/Ukraine war and the most recent Israel/Hamas crisis. President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump can’t be envied by many people right now.
It was shocking but at the same time absolutely not unexpected to see the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visit the World Economic Forum to make some submissions regarding his country, his life and the lives of the citizens and residents of Ukraine in the continuously heated war against Russia. He had requested for more financial and non-financial support because winning or loosing, war will cost any country money. Whether it was a good decision for Ukraine to go to war with Russia or not is not a question fit for any forum right now however, the world wants people to stop dying in Ukraine, the world also wants people to stop dying in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
The World Economic Forum(WEF) released The Global Risks Report 2024 with highlights on the degree of “False Information” i.e misinformation/disinformation ravaging the global society and by extension the global economy as a major issue that businesses and policymakers of this era have to deal with without any tolerance for na?veté. The threats posed by AI, general crimes wave as well as some tactically sound responses like strategy localization and cross-border coordination etc. Having said that, it is without any doubt that 2024 is a special and action-filled year and demands a different level of focus and intensity from all players especially global financial industry and regulators(Governments).
We maintain a bullish opinion of this year regardless of the alarming metrics and indices suggesting a high probability of a recession and even a global market crash. The International Monetary Fund(IMF) had in 2022 predicted a downward trend in global market growth to settle at 3% in 2024 however, the current realities says otherwise. It is not uncommon for international organizations and reputable firms to use the rule of thumb that when the world sees two consecutive quarters of negative Gross Domestic Product(GDP) growth it translates into a recession, while this approach may not be wrong, it does not perfectly encapsulate other vital factors necessary for consideration in a well defined analysis to make predictions fit for global application. For example, it is a fact that the world has never experienced anytime in history where all industries went totally flat, not even during the world wars when the weapon and arms industry skyrocketed in revenues and profits.
We have no doubt that 2024 will see the technology industry grow much more that previous years. It is estimated that by 2025 at least 85% of all global companies would have expanded multi-cloud access across many regions. Also 90% of Fortune 500 Companies will become fully digital services providers and this means that your regular banks will become technology companies that offer banking services and not just ordinary banks that offer digitally-driven services. This transformation has already happened in the transportation industry years ago with giants like Uber, Lyft etc which are primarily software companies offering taxi services and this means soonest, technological assets will be the most valuable assets of most companies of the future and they all spring forth in 2024. As seasoned entrepreneurs ourselves, we will not cease to make smart decisions of tilting towards investing in technological assets in the forms of building capabilities as well legacy systems that enhance service distribution without dropping quality.
Under-listed are a few fertile grounds for investments looking forward from 2024:
Small businesses for 2024
Dear Friends and Professional Colleagues, it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive analysis and a lot more can still be learned. This information is shared for a few knowledge of the business environment only, it is not intended to be a detailed business advice for anyone to solely rely upon for making financial and/or investment decisions.
Please speak to qualified professionals when making financial and/or investment decisions.
Wishing you all the best this year 2024.
Abayomi Michael Osho
CEO, Asset & Equity Group