It was the year 60 D.C, and the death of Bubub was still fresh to the team. Dinga, yet again found herself parked and crying in the car. She was re-reading the text she was about to send in the group chat.
Hi Team,
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
I have been meaning to address the elephant in the room. Which is, “How do we move on as a team?” It’s been months since the funeral and I think it’s time to get the ball rolling again.
But before anything, the first issue at hand is who should lead the team going forward. I am suggesting Wasalu. He was the one working closely with Bubub in planning most things and I think it just makes sense.
I think we should schedule a call to expand on it and discuss the next steps.
With Love,
Meanwhile, Wasalu was having lunch with the Minister of Arts. They were discussing a scholarship and an upcoming opportunity that would put Wasalu in a leading role for the latest arts program aimed at propelling the next generation of artists in Rhodesia. This was a big agenda for the CSP and the upcoming elections.
Wasalu was finding this discussion three years too late. He had been fighting and looking for such a breakthrough for the past couple of years. However, Rhodesia’s inconsistent culture and economy proved to be a big challenge.
Now, in those days the Church governed the nation of Rhodesia. It was the 60th? year since Pastor Garrison Odala Banda won the elections under the Church Support Party (CSP). It was the dawn of a new reformation era and was dubbed “The Days of The Church”. ?Since then, no other party has taken control of the nation.
However, the world was experiencing a global recession, and the ripple effect was hitting third-world countries the most. As a result, the ambitious vision of the CSP was facing fierce foreign opposition.
The scholarship that was being offered to Wasalu was one that the CSP was orchestrating for young future leaders of Rhodesia to learn, build, and implement systems throughout the continent that would further spread and convert the governance of the Church. ?
The scholars would go through an intense study program for the next two years with a further year of fellowship travels around the continent. The scholarship was to provide scholars with access to sound doctrines, practical experiences, and advanced technological environments which would help them understand the foreign oppositions’ trends and strategies. ?
Many young Rhodesians were lined up to apply for this scholarship. But Wasalu was fortunate enough to be offered this scholarship by the minister. The minister was an uncle to the late Bubub.
Bubub was the leader and the glue of the team. Dinga birthed the idea of forming a team of artists who would represent Rhodesia’s culture and history through the stories they would tell as artists.
With that, they recruited four other artists; Mandla who was tipped by many to be the biggest upcoming Musician. The Twins, Anna, and Hannah?had the most creative aura of the team. And then there was Wasalu,?the wordsmith of the team.?
The team called themselves Adzukulu.?
Next week we get a sneak peek into Wasalu's professional life before we meet an important character, Meru.
"It's The Stories We Tell That Create Our Future"
4 个月WORDS FROM THE EDITOR: Introducing Complexity Through Character When introducing key characters, strive for complexity. Show their strengths alongside their weaknesses, and consider how they're perceived by others versus who they really are.