Advocating the use of A ROUTINE

Advocating the use of A ROUTINE

Today one will find that players can develop great habits in practices by coaches who create a practice routine. What are your experiences?

 Sean McCann, PhD; U.S. Olympic Committee Performance Services, Sport Psychologist wrote an article entitled, “Routines, Rituals and Performing Under Pressure” in which he strongly advocates the use of ‘Routines’ because ‘Routines’ help elite athletes…

·        Do the right things

·        Prevent dumb mistakes

·        Avoid doing the wrong things

·        Make useful behavior automatic

·        Reduce thinking and decision making

·        Enhance feelings of control and confidence

·        Stay active and focused on useful behaviors

·        Increases the sense of familiar in a new environment

·        Increase the opportunity for the brain to focus on the proper things

His article ended with these profound words, “An initial investment of energy in developing good habits will create a great return down the road. I see this all the time in sports, and I’ll never forget what a great coach once said to me. “Why are all these coaches screaming from the sideline? If they had done their job in practice they wouldn’t have to say anything during a game.” If a coach develops great routines, and the athletes develop great habits, then the habits make them great players.”

 You will find that your players can develop great habits in your practices by developing a routine with ACTION!

Activity! Appropriate soccer activity has to be a youth coach’s main objective when planning and running a practice session. 

You need to remember that, ‘Players come to practice to Play –SOCCER’ and not soccer related games. A flexible ‘Routine’ can fulfill this goal by giving you the luxury to organize individual (1 v 1), small group (i.e. 2 v 2; 2 v 2), large group (i.e. 5v5; 5 v 3) and team games (scrimmage) into every practice session.

Consistency!  The key to creating good soccer habits will come from good consistent repetition.

If you needed to find a source which would provide you with just such an approach.  Fortunately, the source iss already part of every child’s’ life and found in every community. Yes, your local schools have already prepared the children to function in a very specific routine that needs only minor adjustments to fit your needs. And here is a sample of just such a school routine which is adjusted to the FUNdamental Soccer ‘9-Step Practice Routine’:

      School                                                          Practice

a.   Recess                                                     a. Pre-Practice

b.   Bell Rings                                               b. Team Cheer

c.   Enter the classroom                                 c. Practice Begins                  

d.   Take out appropriate book                       d. Warm-up

e.   Check Homework                                     e. 1 + 1

f.    Quiz on Homework                                  f. 1 vs. 1

g.   Introduce ‘new’ materials                         g. Half-Time

h.   Work on new material                              h. Small Sided Games

i.     Combine old and new material               i. Scrimmage

j.     Review old and new                                j. Cool down

k.   Assign new homework                            k. End Practice

Teach less! A fact: When your players and the ball are moving, soccer learning is taking place. When the players and the ball stop moving, soccer learning stops! 

Ask yourself - Does it happen in the game i.e., Lectures, Lines, Laps, Wearing street clothes and hats? Etc.. 

If the answer is YES -then do it in practice. 

If the answer is NO -then do not do it in practice. 

Remember your Players came to practice to Play Soccer and prepare for the next game…!

Interest in playing soccer needs to be developed. You will be faced with players who are not interested in playing our wonderful game and you need to adjust accordingly. Give appropriate attention to the disinterested player but not at the expense of the rest of the team. Make your practices so much FUN, by playing soccer, so that the disinterested player will want to join. Always remember that when you are working with younger players to be as helpful, understanding and patient as when you were with your own children when he/she was learning other skills in life.

Organize your practice sessions in such a manner that it becomes apparent it is a rehearsal for the game day routine. You can accomplish this by using a sequential ‘routine’ which allows your players to learn what is expected. Be wise and avoid -- variety. You must realize that the introduction to something ‘new’ at each practice session may lead to some confusion and confusion, many times, leads to disinterest.

No Lapse. No Lines. No Lectures! Soccer coaches know that running ‘around the field’ never happens during the game – So do not practice it! You, also, know that your players are brilliant at standing in lines – No need to practice something they can already do! Finally, take into consideration the attention span of your players, which issomewhere in the 15 seconds or less range, and adjusted the length of your talking accordingly  – Be very brief!    

Create a practice environment that Minimized Listening/Lecture time and Maximized Touches with the ball and Playing time. In other words allow your players to play the game of soccer in practice as individuals (i.e. 1 v 1), in small and larger groups (i.e. 2 v 1 & 5 v 3) and with the team (i.e. scrimmage. This playing environment forces your players to make decisions and learn, on their own, what would/could happen in the league game. Allow your players to experiment and fail their way to success in each and every practice! 

What a wonderful long term result from using a flexible ‘Routine’: Future Coaches Being Able to Focus Strictly on the Players’ Technical and Tactical Development - Priceless! 


Editor’s 100th Note: Although this note says, “Thank You” In just this simple way, there’s Special meaning in these words To YOU today.

 For the thoughts behind this message are especially warm and true and words cannot express The Special Thanks I hope this bring to YOU.

 “THANK YOU” for contributing to our efforts to improve soccer in the United States!


Your FUNdamental, Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)


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